The Side Effects of Ginger and Contraindications




The vast majority of wellness specialists, herbalists and naturopaths agree that the use of ginger should be regulated. Even though ginger provides a wide range of benefits, using too much ginger can bring some negative side effects. Namely, in case you use large amounts of ginger on a regular basis you might witness gas, heartburn, stomach distress, nausea, bloating and few other problems. In addition, individuals dealing with gallstones, ulcers, bleeding issues, inflammatory conditions and pregnant women should stay away from ginger. Finally, people who are using blood-thinning medications should avoid ginger too.

What are The Side Effects of Using Ginger?

Ginger is an herbal plant that has been part of many traditional remedies. People have used it in meal preparation for centuries. Today, ginger is one of the most used healing plants. This plant was mentioned I the famous Ayurvedic scripts too where ancient healers claimed that ginger is the ultimate sattvic spice. In addition, they have used to treat some very serious health issues. These are some of the properties of this plant:
  • Hot potency
  • Bitter taste
  • Pungent once the effects are released
  • Unctuous property and mild flavor.
As we already said, it is believed that ginger is some sort of panacea that can help individuals dealing with different kinds of diseases and disorders. Ginger has hot properties which mean that it has the ability to stop the progress and buildup of toxins in all bodily systems. Many people use it to treat food poisoning and for drug detoxification. There is no doubt that ginger is beneficial and useful, but taking too much of this plant can be dangerous. Experienced herbalists recommend a maximum intake of four grams of ginger a day. In case people exceed this dosage they can expect may different health problems like intestinal problems including nausea, bloating, heartburn and gas. Additionally, consumption of large amounts of ginger can increase the effects of Coumadin therapy or warfarin. This is especially true when ginger is used in powder form. Now here’s a detailed list of people who should stay away from ginger:

1. Individuals Dealing with Inflammatory Problems and/or Ulcers

Taking fresh ginger can lead to intestinal jam. Individuals who have problems with inflammatory bowel disorder, ulcers and blocked intestinal tracks will probably have negative reactions to fresh ginger.

2. Those Suffering from Gallstones

It was proven that ginger provides negative effects to individuals suffering from gallstones. The reason why ginger is harmful in situations like this is very simple – this herbal plant boosts bile production.

3. Bleeding Issues

The fact is that ginger accelerates circulatory activity and boosts blood circulation. At the same time, this plant blocks blood clots. In other words, ginger can boost the chances of bleeding and this is especially true for people dealing with different kinds of bleeding problems or those using medications for blood clotting.

4. Pregnant Women

Future moms should be very careful with ginger because it is known for its ability to trigger uterine contractions. In addition, several studies have confirmed that ginger disrupts the proper absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and iron. So, if you are pregnant consult your doctor and check whether you can use ginger in your diet. One thing is for sure, you should avoid drinking ginger tea during the last weeks of pregnancy because it can lead to bleeding.

5. Pre-Surgery Patients

A recent study has suggested that taking ginger a few days before surgery can lead to increased risk of bleeding. In case you are in a pre-surgery period, stay away from ginger in any form. Don’t consume this herbal plant for 15 days before the surgery.

6. Ginger Interacts with Some Medications

It is highly recommended to talk to a doctor before using ginger tea in your daily diet because it’s a well-known fact that ginger interacts with specific medications. For example, patients who are using beta-blockers, anticoagulants, insulin drugs, barbiturates and people who are following so-called anti-platelet therapy should avoid ginger. It’s also good to know that ginger interacts with antacids and other similar drugs because it supports acid production in our stomach. There is no solid evidence, but there are some indications that ginger interacts with medications used in cancer treatments, heart medications, weight loss pills and antihistamines. Via Healthy Builderz