She Removed Her Brown Spots with THIS Common Ingredient. Amazing!




Liver spots, also called aged spots, are tan, flat, brown or black spots that occur on the skin. Their size varies, and the most usual places they appear are face, arms, hands, and shoulders- the areas which are mostly exposed to sunlight. Although age spots are usually related to adults over the age of 50, they can also appear on young adults, particularly if they have been exposing themselves on the sun for a longer period.

What Causes Age Spots?

The reason for the occurrence of age spots is years of ultraviolet light exposure from the sun. However, a great contributor to their development is the frequent using of tanning bed. Melanin is the pigment responsible for the color of our skin, and it’s located in the upper skin layer. Once the ultraviolet light comes in contact with our skin, the melanin production is accelerated by the rays, forming a tan which will protect the deeper skin layers from UV damage. Liver spots occur on those skin areas which have had prolonged and frequent sun exposure, since the melanin pigment is produced in large amounts. So, the best method to defend your skin from these brown spots is proper protection from the sun. Although age spots can occur in any person’s skin, they usually appear in those with fair or light-colored skin, as well as those with intense or frequent exposure to sunburns. The real liver spots are harmless. However, if you see they start to change their shape and appearance, consult a doctor as it might indicate melanoma. Consult a doctor if you notice the following age spot changes:
  • Dark pigment,
  • Rapidly increases in size,
  • Irregular border,
  • Unusual color combination,
  • Accompanied by tenderness, redness, itching, or bleeding.

Age Spots Home Remedy

Age spots treatment can include laser therapy, bleaching creams, chemical peels, and dermabrasion. However, there is much more natural solution to lighten your age spots. The David Wolfe, Dr. Doug Willen, offers fast and natural option to age spots. What he offers is combination of apple cider vinegar and onion juice. Healthlinepossess few antioxidant compounds which aid in the neutralization of the free radicals in our body. On the other hand, the alpha hydroxy acids contained in the apple cider vinegar eliminate the dead skin, revealing the healthy skin underneath. A lot of people claim to have used it to maintain natural skin glow.

Preparation and Usage

Dice one fresh onion, and pulverize it with a pestle and a mortar. The liquefied onion should be then put in a blender, together with the apple cider vinegar. Once you blend it, apply this natural remedy to your liver spots, using a cotton ball. Use raw, organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar, and don’t stop using sunscreen.

Watch the video below to learn more about this natural homemade remedy for age spots!

Via David Wolfe