The Shape of Your Eyes Can Reveal Incredible Information about Your Personality




Eyes are often seen as windows to a person’s soul. And this is literally true, as you can find out a lot about one’s personality by simply seeing the shape of their eyes. You don’t have to ask anyone about their personality. You should just notice the specific shape of their eyes to learn a lot about that person.

1. Large Eyes

People with large and somewhat babyish eyes have warm, creative, passionate, and receptive personality.

2. Small Eyes

People with small eyes tend to be intelligent and focused, and they are often loners.

3. Round Eyes

People whose eyes curve abruptly at both ends, tend to have vivid imagination and creativity. They are often characterized by impracticality and moodiness.

4. Almond-Shaped Eyes

These people are known to be cautious and compassionate at the same time. Most of them have a positive outlook and lead a balanced life.

5. Close-Set Eyes

If the distance between one’s eyes is smaller than the length of one eye, that person is probably traditional and doesn’t prefer changes. These people tend to be disciplined and focused.

6. Wide-Set Eyes

If the distance between one’s eyes is the length of one eye or more, that person is said to be impulsive and flexible.

7. Deep-Set Eyes

If the eyes of one person are more set back into her/his face, s/he is an optimist and a hopeless romantic.

8. Protruding Eyes

Those with protruding eyes are usually worrying, sensitive, and friendly people.

9. Downward-Slanting Eyes

People whose eyes slant downwards are usually pessimistic and submissive. You can easily get along with them as they easily make lifelong friends.

10. Upward-Slanting Eyes

Those whose eyes slant upwards tend to be ambitious, wise and optimistic people.

11. Hooded Eyes

These people tend to be cheerful and helpful. Often, they find it hard to stand up for themselves. Via Higher Perspectives