Scientists Tell Women to Stop Wearing Bras for THIS Shocking Reason!




According to studies, women shouldn’t wear bras, and not only on October 13th, the National No Bra Day. As it turns out, going without a bra supports breast tissue and helps for more toned breasts, while wearing a bra from a young age neither supports breasts, not prevent their sagging. And it definitely doesn’t reduce back pain. Scientists Tell Women to Stop Wearing Bras for THIS Shocking Reason!The professor from the French University of Franche-Comte, and the sport research Jean-Denis Rouillon, has conducted a large study on the bra’s effect on 330 women at the age between 18 and 35. The study lasted 15 years and discovered that women who had the habit of not wearing bras, have perkier breasts. The results showed that women who decided for themselves to stop wearing bras, had TOIlifted for 0.3 inches (7 millimeters) higher than those wearing bras on a regular basis. Researchers say that wearing bras in the long run can impede circulation and lower breast tone. The changes in their breasts were measured and recorded ever year, using a slide rule and a caliper. France Info shares professor Rouillon’s statement that anatomically, physiologically, and medically, breasts have no benefit whatsoever by denying the gravity. In fact, they can only get saggier in that way. Dr. Stafford Broumand is an expert who wasn’t connected to the study, but agrees with professor Rouillon. He says that young women shouldn’t wear bras in order to have increased production of collagen and elasticity, which will provide better lift during breasts development. Nevertheless, there are others who don’t fully support him. For instance, Deborah Orr from the Guardian thinks that professor Rouillon can’t be an expert of breasts as he doesn’t have breasts in the first place. She says that women wear bras for purposes other than the ones he states, so they wear them for aesthetic, physiological, and practical reasons. Bras help women not to forget about them every time they break into a trout to catch a lift, says Deborah. The results of Rouillon’s research showed that the nipples of women who went braless at the age of 18-35 lifted by an average of 0.3 inches/7 millimeters. He just can’t understand that bras make women not think about where their nipples might be.  Deborah continues to say that the last thing women need is another fool teaching them what to think about breasts and their well-being.

Free the Nipple

The #freethenipple campaign think women should have the right to go bare-chested. Their reason for this is because right now, women hide their nipples and breastfeeding in public is still considered as shameful, while sexual advertisements are totally fine. They think this problem can be solved if the victim blaming culture nowadays change by people starting seeing nipples more often. In the video below, a woman speaks more on going braless and breastfeeding in public. Via David Wolfe