Scientists Discover that Coconut Oil Could Reverse Alzheimer’s




Dr. Mary Newport was not a great fan of natural remedies, but when conventional healing methods didn’t help her husband with Alzheimer’s disease, she decided to give coconut oil a try and it appears that this oil has helped her husband a lot. The way things were going, he should’ve been hospitalized, but coconut oil helped him. As a matter of fact, his amazing and quick recovery was one of the top online stores, and based on this experience, Dr. Mary Newport wrote a very popular book called Alzheimer’s Disease – What if There Was a Cure? Thanks to the online exposure and the success of her book, individuals with early signs and symptoms of dementia and their families established a movement whose basic goal is to provide self-help. It is amazing how successful this movement is and how many people were able to overcome the problems associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Despite the positive testimonies, mainstream medicine didn’t want to acknowledge the success of coconut oil. In addition, all the major Alzheimer’s organizations like Alzheimer’s Association are still not commenting on the effects of coconut oil and they have decided to wait for extensive scientific studies. The good news is that there is a peer-reviewed scientific study that was published not a while ago and additionally there is another study that is expected to finish soon. The results are more than promising. This clinical trial took place in Europe, and Spain to be more precise. There is a reason why Spain was selected for this test. Namely, Spain and the rest of the EU countries, and some Middle Eastern countries like Israel don’t have so many restrictions when it comes to testing products that are not suggested by the pharmaceutical industry. For instance, Israel and Spain have completed a huge number of studies on cannabis use for medicinal purposes. This trial conducted in Spain included Alzheimer’s sufferers of different genders and ages and some of them were diabetics while others were not. The basic objective was to find out whether coconut oil intake can reduce the mental issues related to Alzheimer’s disease. In order to discover the effects, they asked the participants to take cognitive testing prior to and after the trial. The participants consumed 40 ml of virgin coconut oil each day. This is about 2.7 tablespoons. Those who believe that coconut oil can help people with dementia recommend at least 3 tablespoons of this oil daily. Scientists have pointed out that there is a great boost in cognitive functions. Women, people suffering from diabetes, and patients with severe dementia experienced the greatest improvement. According to the researchers from Spain, the study has shown that coconut oil has a positive impact on patients dealing with Alzheimer’s disease and that the results were closely related to the gender, presence of diabetes, and intensity of dementia. A second scientific study, obviously sponsored by private funding, focused on the impact of coconut oil on Alzheimer’s disease is still going on in Florida. This study began 3 years ago at the Health Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute at the University of South Florida. The final report about this study is expected this year. Unofficially, the results are very promising.

The Myth of Low or No Fat Dieting

To start with, let’s say begin with the prejudice that coconut oil comes with unhealthy saturated fat. The truth is that clean saturated fat like the one found in coconut oil which is not hydrogenated or processed in any other way is crucial for brain health and health in general. In other words, they can’t be associated with obesity, overweight, and heart issues. The incorrect Ancel Keys Seven Countries Scientific Study was unfortunately accepted by mainstream media and medical professionals and supported by the margarine and oil industry in the 50s. They used this incorrect study to promote their unhealthy products packed with trans-fats and other harmful compounds. A few decades later, it was confirmed that semi-hydrogenated and hydrogenated oils that come with trans-fats are directly linked to heart disease, obesity, and a myriad of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis for example. Processed carbs and added sugar (like HFCS – high fructose corn syrup) contributed to the increased number of obese people with heart issues although many of these people followed the low or no-fat diet.

The Inefficiency of Prescription Drugs Against Alzheimer’s Disease

Even today, there is no single drug created for this disease that actually works. Most of them provide mild relief and many side effects. This is the reason why healthcare professionals like to say that this disease is untreatable. Just because the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t have a solution, doctors say that we can’t treat Alzheimer’s. A scientific study has shown that many individuals with relatively high cholesterol levels live normal lives even in their late 80s. On the other hand, statin drugs used for the regulation of cholesterol levels create many unwanted side effects.

Coconut Oil Can Prevent and Heal Alzheimer’s disease

According to Dr. Stephanie Steneff, the human brain contributes to no more than 2% of our body mass. However, this organ has about 25% of the overall cholesterol levels. The fact is that the brain uses cholesterol as an antioxidant, structural support for its network of neurons, and electrical insulator, and is part of every membrane. Additionally, cholesterol is used in the synaptic distribution of neurotransmitters. Finally, cholesterol plays a vital role in the process of creation and proper functioning of synapses. Studies have shown that coconut oil is much different compared to most saturated fats, especially when compared to fats that stay solid even at room temperature, due to the presence of MCTs or medium chain triglycerides in it. Our liver can easily process MCTs, which is not true for long-chain triglycerides or LCTs. MCTs are turned into energy or ketones. LCTs are not turned into ketones and they are usually stored in the form of fat. Cells in the brain that have problems using insulin for glucose end up dying slowly due to starvation. Entire parts of the brain are turned into useless areas because they don’t get sufficient energy. This situation is very similar to the situation where diabetes 2 sufferers can’t process insulin, also known as insulin resistance. That’s why many experts often say that Alzheimer’s disease is type 3 diabetes. In order to solve this problem, we must create more ketones that come from the liver and this is where coconut oil and its MCTs come into play. These ketones deliver much-needed energy to the brain cells even in cases of insulin resistance that slows down glucose metabolism. In addition, ketones boost blood flow in this area, which is a great side effect. However, ketones don’t stay long in the body. This is the reason why people must use coconut oil on a regular basis and the recommended dose is about three tablespoons a day even though you can consume more if you want. Brain matters have building blocks that are mostly based on cholesterol. Coconut oil delivers ketones that support the work of the brain. Thanks to coconut oil we can improve the structure of the brain and boost the energy in this organ.

Via Alzheimer's Society | NCBI | Coconut Oil | Coconut Oil | Coconut Oil