(HealthAndLovePage) According to a recent study, E Times has the ability to alter the bone structure in order to spread faster.
This stunning finding was first noticed by the researchers from the University of Sheffield. They claim that the tumors in breast cancer patients have found a way to literally fertilize the bone so they can grow faster.
According to the same study published in the reputable Nature Journal, the good news is that it is possible to protect the structure of the bone from the nefarious effects of the tumor and block cancer from spreading.
Many cancer organizations say that this research will trigger in many other studies that can save many breast cancer patients. Statistics say that about 85% of breast cancers that can be found in different parts of the upper body finish their spreading in the bones. Once they reach the bones the treatment is very difficult and it can often result in death.

Bone Structure in Breast Cancer Patients
What the scientists have noticed is the fact that the breast cancer patients who are suffering from secondary cancers had significantly higher levels of LOX – an enzyme that is produced by the tumors themselves and spread through the blood. At the same time, the bone structure in breast cancer patients is broken down and rebuilt. The scientists have performed several experiments on lab mice and the results confirmed that LOX was interfering in the processes which lead to holes and lesions in the bone. On the other hand, using drugs to stop LOX has localized the spreading of cancer. Dr. Alison Gartland, specialized in cancer and bone biology at the same University, said that this research is a major breakthrough in the efforts made by scientists to stop secondary tumors (metastases) in breast cancer patients. The cancer cells found in the primary tumor are fertilizing the bone and use it as a breeding ground for further growth. LOX enzyme is responsible for adjusting this environment and helping the fertilization. The tests conducted on mice have confirmed that a combination of drugs used in osteoporosis (bisphosphonates) can stop the spread of breast cancer. These drugs are already used in some patients, but the research team is convinced that further studies will improve the effects. It is good to point out that the positive impact was noticed only in breast cancers labeled as estrogen-negative. Although they are about 305% of all cases, they are very lethal. According to Katherine Woods, a member of the Breast Cancer Campaign and Breakthrough Cancer, the discovery of the specific role of LOX in the process of cancer growth will lead to better understanding of the creation and elimination of breast cancer cells. This research has also confirmed the positive effects of bisphosphonates as drugs that can prevent the reoccurrence of secondary breast cancers. Many secondary breast cancers may not lead to fatalities, but the truth is that they cause fractures in the bones and bone pain which often requires surgery. Scientists believe that the same findings are relevant for cases of colon cancer too. Via BBC NEWS
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