They Said Coconut Oil Was Great for You, BUT This is What They Didn’t Tell You




While I was visiting Thailand together with my partner, we joked about getting a coconut plantation since nowadays it seems everything is based on coconut: coconut butter, oil, water, shreds, flour, milk, cream, and soya sauce. Coconuts’ flesh contains high amounts of healthy fatty acids. The structure of fat alters depending on the oil’s type and processing. The composition of coconut oil is 90 % medium-chain saturated fatty acids, and a bit of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Medium Chain Fatty Acids Benefits

Our body easily digests, absorbs, and utilizes the MCFA’s (medium-chain saturated fatty acids), which freely cross the barrier between blood and brain in the unbound form, thus the brain can use them as a source of energy and of neurological health. Moreover, unrefined (virgin) coconut oil is completely natural and delicious, as well as affordable and readily available. This oil is also:
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-carcinogenic (stops and prevents the development of cancer cells and improves immunity)
  • Infection fighting/Anti-microbial (viruses, bacteria, yeast, protozoa, parasites, and fungi)
  • Improves the absorption of nutrients
  • Antioxidant (prevents free-radicals formation)
  • Nontoxic (both to humans and animals)

Coconut Oil Uses for Personal Hygiene and Body

1. After Shave Treatment – this oil is great for razor burn, and it will help your skin heal without clogging pores. 2. Age Spots (liver spots) – if you apply some of this oil directly to your age/liver spots, it will help to disappear. 3. Body Scrub – make a mixture of coconut oil and salt, and rub it all over your body! Then, rinse it off, and your skin will become very soft. For a specific smell, add your favorite essential oil. 4. Baldness – a combination of coconut oil, rosemary, lavender, Jojoba oil, cedarwood, castor/grapeseed oil, thyme, and a bit of cayenne pepper supports cells regeneration. Apply the mixture 3 times a day to the area affected by hair loss, and massage it. 5. Bug Bites – apply the oil directly to a bug bite to stop the itching and burning sensation, and for a quicker healing process. 6. Bruises – apply coconut oil directly to your bruise for faster healing. It will reduce the redness and swelling. 7. Chapstick – rubbing a bit of this oil on lips will make them soft. It has a sun protection factor of about four, so it will protect them as well. 8. Burns – in case of burns, apply coconut oil immediately to hasten the healing process and to lower the chances of permanent scars. Keep applying the oil until the burns are healed. 9. Dandruff – this oil relieves dandruff symptoms since it soaks into the scalp and moisturizes the dry skin. Moreover, it helps to control the scalp secretion of oil, which is another dandruff factor. 10. Cradle Cap –is your baby having problems with dry skin on her/his scalp? Just rub a teaspoon of coconut oil on the scalp on a daily basis, since it nourishes the skin and eliminates the cradle cap. 11. Diaper Salve – coconut oil is extremely comforting in a case of a diaper rash. Moreover, it’s safe for cloth diapers as well. 12. Deodorant – this oil has deodorant properties when used alone, but it’s more effective when combined with baking soda and cornstarch/arrowroot powder. 13. Face Soap– this oil can be used as a soap to wash your face, but once it’s combined with avocado oil, almond oil, castor oil and The How to Zone. First, you should wet your face, then rub this oil combination and allow it to stand for 2 minutes. Then, rinse your face and pat dry. Use about 1 teaspoon for this treatment. 14. Eye Cream –put some coconut oil below your eyes to reduce bags, puffiness, and wrinkles. In the evenings, apply some on the lids. 15. Hair Defrizzer/Gel  –put some coconut oil on your palms, and either spread it from your scalp to your hair’s ends by finger-combing (for straight/wavy hair) or scrunch into your curly hair. 16. Hair Conditioner/ Deep Treatment – coconut oil can be used as a leave-in hair conditioner if you apply a teaspoon of it to your hair ends, and distribute the rest by running your fingers through your hair. If you want a deeper treatment, rub a tablespoon of this oil on a dry scalp, and carefully spread it to the ends. Leave it overnight, but make sure you have a shower cap to avoid messing with your bed linens. 17. Lubricant – coconut oil is totally natural and safe lubricant for intimate pleasures. However, it’s not compatible with latex. 18. Healing – if you apply coconut oil on cuts and scrapes, it will cause a formation of a thin, chemical layer that protects wounds from outside bacteria, dust, and viruses. It hastens the healing of bruises as it repairs damaged tissues. Moreover, its scent is way better than anything bought from the pharmacy. 19. Massage Oil –just take some coconut oil and start massaging. It’s that simple! 20. Makeup Remover – if you soak a cotton swab in some coconut oil, you will be surprised at how good it works. 21. Nipple Cream – coconut oil TOI. Just put some on a cotton ball, and place it on the sore areas between feedings. 22. Moisturizer – just take some coconut oil and apply it all over the body, and don’t forget your face and neck. Most lotions are water-based and cause drying of your skin even more, unlike this oil. 23. Pre-Shave – prepare your skin for the upcoming damage resulting from the process of shaving with this oil. 24. Acne Skin Fix – do you have an oily T-zone or oily skin in general? In order to reduce stimulation of the oil gland, use a pea-sized quantity underneath the makeup, or even alone. Skin prone to acne is usually too dry which is why your glands produce more oil thus clogging the pores. 25. Stretch Marks – although this oil might not magically cure your stretch marks, it will nourish your damaged skin. 26. Skin Conditions – this oil is able to relieve skin issues like dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis. 27. Sunscreen – although not high, still this oil has an (SPF) sun protection factor of about 4. 28. Sunburn Relief –just rub generous amounts of this oil on the affected areas. 29. Tattoo Healing and Moisturizer – if you apply some of the oil on a new tattoo, it will speed up the healing process and lower the chances of infection. Moreover, continuous use of the oil on tattoos will prevent them from fading. 30. Swimmer's Ear –for this condition, mix coconut oil and garlic oil and add several drops in the affected ear, and leave it for about 10 minutes. This treatment should be done two to three times a day, and it often helps within 1 or 2 days. 31. Wrinkle Prevention and Reduction – if you rub this oil on sagging skin and wrinkles, it will help in the strengthening of your connective tissues and it’ll return the youthful look of your skin. 32. Toothpaste – combine this oil with baking soda and you will get a toothpaste.

Coconut Oil for Overall Health and Wellness

33. Bones and Teeth – coconut oil helps in the absorption of magnesium and calcium, thus resulting in better teeth and bones’ development. 34. Breastfeeding – three and a half tablespoons of this oil a day for breastfeeding moms, enrich the supply of milk. 35. Fitness – this oil has been shown to improve thyroid function, stimulate metabolism, and boost energy, resulting in reducing unwanted fat and elevating muscle. 36. Digestion –this oil contains saturated fats which help in the control of fungi and parasites which lead to indigestion and other problems related to digestion, like irritable bowel syndrome. Moreover, the fat in this oil contributes to the absorption of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals- your overall health. 37. Lung Function – elevates cell surfaces’ fluidity. 38. Insulin Support – since coconut oil improves the secretion of insulin and blood glucose utilization, it’s excellent for both non-diabetics and diabetics. 39. Nose bleeds – this oil prevents nose bleeding which appears as a result of weather sensitivity like extreme cold or extreme heat. The bleeding appears since nasal passages turn dry due to the dry or cold air which causes cracks and burns in the mucus membranes. In order to avoid this, just put some of the oil in your nostrils, which will strengthen the capillaries in these passages. 40. Nausea – if you rub some of the oil on the inside part of your forearm and wrist (PC6), you will calm your upset stomach. 41. Stress Relief – since the natural coconut aroma is highly soothing, massage your head with this oil in a circular motion, and you will reduce the level of your stress. 42. Gum Health – use coconut oil for oil pulling! 43. Vitamin and Nutrient Absorption – coconut oil makes nutrients based on fat more available to the organism- vitamins A, E, D, K. 44. Mental Productivity and Cognition– blood-brain barrier is freely passed by medium-chain triglycerides and allows another energy source to improve cognition. 45. Weight Loss – coconut oil’s saturated fats help in the control of cravings and weight loss.

Coconut Oil for Internal Health Issues

If consumed orally, it prevents, aids, and relieves the following health problems: 46. If consumed after a meal, it treats Acid Reflux/ Indigestion 47. Autism 48. Seasonal Allergies/Hay Fever 49. Asthma (even in children) 50. Adrenal and Chronic Fatigue 51. Alzheimer’s disease/Dementia 52. Cystic Fibrosis and Bronchial Infections 53. Bowel function – Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), constipation, gut infections 54. Candida Albicans 55. Cancer –prevents breast and colon cancer. 56. Poor Circulation – apply the oil on your skin in case of edema or the constant feeling of cold, particularly in the extremities, in light circular movements towards your heart. 57. Cholesterol – it improves the ratio of ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL) to ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL) in those with high levels of cholesterol 58. Mild Depression and Cognitive Disease –combined with fish oil, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and other treatments 59. Colds and Flues – acts as an anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial agent. 60. Epilepsy – coconut oil is considered to lower epileptic seizures. 61. Diabetes – it helps in the maintenance of blood sugar levels and controls cravings 62. Gallbladder Disease – it can help to elevate the bile flow which is beneficial for problems with the gallbladder, but in the case of Gallstones, it is potentially harmful. 63. Flaky, Dry Skin – poor intake of oil usually results in dandruff and dry skin. 64. Helicobacter pylori – oral consumption. Sometimes, antibiotic treatment might be needed. 65. Gas – this oil is a mild antimicrobial that contributes to gut flora re-establishment. Foul gas usually occurs as a result of gut bacteria imbalance. 66. Hemorrhoids – apply coconut oil externally or internally, 2 times a day 67. Heart Disease –coconut oil prevents atherosclerosis since it protects arteries from damaging 68. Immune System Builder 69. Hot Flashes 70. Jaundice 71. Irritable Bowel Syndrome – key symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome are constipation and alternating diarrhea 72. Liver Disease 73. Kidney Stones and Disease– helps in dissolving small kidney stones 74. Malnutrition 75. Lung Disease 76. Menstruation Relief – in terms of heavy blood flow and cramps/pain. 77. Mental Clarity 78. Pancreatitis 79. Migraines – if you take the oil on a regular basis 80. Prostate Enlargement –benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) 81. Tooth Decay and Periodontal Disease 82. Thrush 83. Stomach Ulcers – limits the growth of Helicobacter pylori, and soothes the stomach lining 84. Bladder Infections and Urinary Tract Infections 85. Thyroid Function – coconut oil can contribute to the regulation of an underactive or overactive thyroid

Topical Health Problems and Coconut Oil

The topical application of coconut oil has shown to relieve, aid, and even cure the following health problems: 86. Head Lice 87. Acne – usually, skin prone to acne is too dry which causes the glands to produce higher amounts of oil and to clog the pores. 88. Athlete's Foot 89. Hay Fever/ Seasonal Allergies– rub some coconut oil inside your nostrils for fast relief, and the pollen will stick to the oil. 90. Sore Muscles and Back Pain 91. Toenail Fungus 92. Cellulite 93. Cysts and Boils 94. Decongestant – when congested from some allergy or a simple cold, just rub some of the oil under your nose and on your chest. 95. Circumcision Healing – this oil hastens the healing process. 96. Genital Warts – These kinds of warts disappear after two years of the primary infection on their own. Applying this oil topically for a 6 month period is beneficial. 97. Ear infection – combine garlic oil and coconut oil, and add several drops of the mixture in the affected ear, twice a day. It will relieve you from the pain, and it will fight the ear infection. 98. Herpes – a both, taken internally and applied topically 99. Gum Disease, Canker Sores, and Gingivitis– rub the oil directly on your gums, or use it as a toothpaste. 100. Pink eye – in such a case, apply the oil in and around the affected eye. 101. Hives – lowers the swelling and itch

Extra Tips: Coconut Oil and Animals / Pets

Although the recommended amount of coconut oil for animals is ¼ teaspoon for every ten pounds of the animal's weight 2 times a day. You should consult a veterinarian. 102. Helps in Ligament or Arthritis Issues 103. Helps Healing of Digestive Disorders – such as colitis and IBS (inflammatory bowel syndrome) 104. Hastens the Healing Process– when topically applied to wounds, cuts, dry skin and hair, hot spots, stings, and bites 105. Helps in Elimination of Coughing and Hairballs 106. Disinfects Cuts – and supports healing of wounds 107. Clears Up Conditions on Skin–like flea allergies, itchy skin, eczema, and contact dermatitis. 108. Controls and Prevents diabetes 109. Great for Dogs and Cats for General Wellness - Add a teaspoon of coconut oil in their water bowl every day. 110. Aids in Weight Loss – boosts energy 111. Boosts Energy to Sedentary Dogs– MCTs (Medium-chain triglycerides) reduce the accumulation of the amyloid protein, and acts beneficially to the brain energy metabolism, causing brain lesions in sedentary or older dogs. 112. Improves Nutrient Absorption and Digestion 113. Treats as well as Prevents Fungal and Yeast Infections – including candida 114. Forms Coats –which become glossy and sleek, and removes the unpleasant doggy odor. 115. Eliminates or Reduces Bad Breath in Dogs 116. Improves Skin Health and Lowers Allergic Reactions 117. Supports Normal Function of the Thyroid Gland, and Balances and Regulates Insulin

Other Coconut Oil Uses

118. Goo Gone –Make a paste by combining equal amounts of baking soda and coconut oil. Apply to the affected area, and allow it to stand for about a minute. Use the scrubby side of a sponge, or an old toothbrush to scrub it off. 119. Removal of Chewing Gum in Hair –rub a little of the oil over the stuck gum and allow it to stay about 30 minutes. After this period, just roll the chewing gum between your fingertip, and it’ll easily come out. 120. Cleaning and Moisturizing Leather Items 121. Insect Repellent – Just mix some peppermint oil extract with coconut oil and rub the mixture all over the skin. In this way, the insects will be kept away better and safer than any insect repellent with DEET. 122. Polishing Bronze – You can polish your bronze statues and deepen their color by rubbing some coconut oil on a cotton towel and wiping them down. 123. Oiling Wood Bowls and Wood Cutting Boards 124. Seasoning Animal Hide Drums 125. Polish Furniture – with the use of a combination of this oil and a little lemon juice. However, we recommend testing the mixture on a smaller part, just to see if it polishes in the way you like. 126. Making Soap– this oil can be used to make soap as one of its fats 127. Seasoning Cookware Do you use this oil for something that’s not on this long list? Via Healthiest Universe