This Juice is Excellent for Removing Uric Acid from The Body & Reducing Joint Pain




Joint pain is one of the most common health problems, and unfortunately one of the most debilitating conditions. It can occur as a result of gout, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, strains, sprains, bursitis, etc. This juice will help you eliminate the buildup of uric acid in your body, which might be the cause of the pain you feel in your joints. Besides this, it will improve your energy levels and your overall health.



  • Two-inch piece of ginger root
  • One cucumber
  • One whole grapefruit
  • One cup of chopped pineapples
  • Water


The preparation is very simple. Just put all ingredients in a blender, and blend until you get the desired consistency. Drink the juice every day, before a meal. [thrive_link color='green' link='' target='_blank' size='medium' align='aligncenter']10 Foods to Avoid If You Have Joint Pain[/thrive_link]


Cucumber. This vegetable is a natural diuretic, so it prevents a formation of kidney stones. It prevents inflammation in cases of gout, asthma, and arthritis, thanks to its antagonistic properties toward uric acid. Cucumber is most efficient in eliminating uric acid in crystallized form located in or around joints. Pineapple. Pineapple contains bromelain which acts anti-inflammatory. This property makes pineapple juice perfect for keeping the joints healthy. Although pineapple has long been used as a joint pain reliever, researchers have just started discovering the cellular mechanism of this pineapple’s ability. Ginger. It reduces the inflammation processes in your body and aids the elimination of toxins. Grapefruit. The ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, found in this fruit, helps relieve joint pain. What’s more, grapefruit contains calcium which is beneficial for osteoarthritis patients. Via Healthy Living Style