Effective Remedy to Protect Intestinal Flora and Eliminate Gastritis and Heartburn Forever




The stomach is located between the small intestine and the esophagus, and its main function is breaking down and digesting food. Digestion can be affected by various conditions and factors, one of which is gastritis. This disease appears when the lining of the stomach gets inflamed. Common symptoms of gastritis are heartburn, back pain, vomiting, nausea, indigestion, and sense of fullness in the abdomen after eating. However, in some mild cases of gastritis, symptoms may not occur at all. On the other hand, if there’s a blood in the vomit or stool, immediate medical attention is required. The most common causes of gastritis include stress, unhealthy diet, drug and alcohol abuse. Although this disease can be treated, most prescribed medications don’t provide positive results. In this post, you will learn how to relieve your gastritis symptoms with the help of the following 5 natural remedies.

1. Rice Water

Pour a liter of water in a pot, and add some rice. Boil, and leave it to cool. Strain, and transfer the liquid in a bottle. The liquid in the bottle is the rice water you need to drink twice daily to relieve your gastritis symptoms.

2. Parsley Water

Parsley provides potent anti-inflammatory effects which soothe the stomach membrane. This powerful diuretic is an excellent mean to relieve the gastritis symptoms. Prepare a parsley tea by boiling a bunch of parsley in a liter of water. Let it cool, and then strain. You can keep the tea in the fridge for a more refreshing drink. Consume it throughout the day. [thrive_link color='green' link='https://www.healthandlovepage.com/3-unhealthy-habits-cause-bloating-indigestion-acid-reflux/?c=content_button' target='_blank' size='medium' align='aligncenter']3 Unhealthy Habits That Cause Bloating, Indigestion & Acid Reflux[/thrive_link]

3. Carrot and Celery Juice

Blend few celery stalks, two carrots, and some water. Drink this carrot celery juice to relieve your heartburn.

4. Apple and Chamomile

Boil a cup of chamomile with a peeled apple in some water. Consume the drink every morning to relieve your gastritis symptoms.

5. Ginger and Pear

Boil ginger and pear in some water, and once it cools strain it. Drink the ginger pear tea throughout the day to relieve your heartburn and other symptoms of gastritis. Via Healthline | My Healthy Advices