Raman Noodles Linked to Chronic Inflammation, Weight Gain, Alzheimer’s



by Gabriela // in Health


For those people who are short of cash or time, instant noodles are a common to-go food for dinner or lunch. Surely, people understand that noodles aren’t a healthy food, but they might think that instant noodles aren’t as bad. Not as bad as consuming a burger. But, one doctor of the Massachusetts General Hospital by the name Barden Kuo might make you reconsider this belief. What he did is that he used a pill-sized camera in order to understand what goes on in the digestive tract and stomach after the consumption of raman noodles. Raman noodles are one kind of instant noodles. Below you can see the video of the experiment. If you look into the video, you will see the noodles in the stomach. Even after 120 minutes, they stay intact in comparison to the homemade raman noodles.

This is concerning because it can be a strain when it comes to your digestive system. Your digestive system will we forced to work for hours in order to digest this food. And when the foods stay for a long time in the digestive tract it can influence the absorption of nutrients. But when it comes to instant raman noodles, there isn’t much nutrition in the first place. As a matter of fact, in instant raman noodles, there are many additives such as TBHQ, i.e. tertiary butyl hydroquinone. This expensive additive will probably stay in your stomach, and no one knows what it can do to your overall health. But when you put common sense into it, you know it won’t be good. You should also know that this toxic preservative TBHQ is actually a byproduct of the petroleum industry. It’s a synthetic chemical that has antioxidant properties, and it isn’t an antioxidant. It stops the oxidation of oils and fats which means it extends the shelf life of foods that are processed. It is present in many processed foods. A Consumer’s Dictionary of Food Additive says that exposure to the only 1g of TBHQ can lead to
  • Collapse
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Tinnitus – ringing in the ears
  • Sense of suffocation
  • Delirium
You should know that tertiary butyl hydroquinone isn’t believed to be a persistent toxicant. That means that most likely your body can get rid of it so it won’t bioaccumulate, in case you consume instant noodles your body may be getting prolonged exposures. EWG, i.e. Environmental Working Group, says that according to their animal experiments health hazards liked with tertiary butyl hydroquinone are:
  • Reproductive impacts at high doses
  • Liver effects at low doses
  • Biochemical changes at low doses
  • Positive results of mutation from in vitro experiments on mammalian cells
Consuming Instant Noodles Is Connected to Metabolic Syndrome In case you still consider of consuming raman noodles you should know that according to one study which was published in the Journal of Nutrition those women who consumed instant noodles more frequently had a bigger risk of metabolic syndrome. This is in comparison to those who ate less. Those women who consumed instant noodles more than 2 times on a weekly basis were actually 68% more likely to have metabolic syndrome. The symptoms are low levels of HDL cholesterol, central obesity, elevated fasting triglycerides, elevated blood pressure, and elevated fasting blood sugar. You should know that having 3 or more of the symptoms mentioned above actually increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In a usual serving of instant noodles, there isn’t just tertiary butyl hydroquinone and a lot of sodium. As a matter of fact, there is glutamic acid, benzopyrene, and MSG, i.e. monosodium glutamate as well. You should know that MSG is actually an excitotoxin. That means it overexcites the nerve cells, and causes damage to different degrees and brain dysfunction. It can trigger learning disabilities, Lou Gehrig’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. Consuming a package of instant noodles won’t kill you, but if you often substitute convenience food for real food, most likely you will have health issues. You should bear in mind that the instant noodles are the types of processed foods you should try to avoid as much as you can. Why? Because they are guaranteed to make you fat and sick if you consume them too much. And you should bear in mind that too much can be a few times on a weekly basis. Source The Oklahoma Eagle