Benefits of Eating More Purple Vegetables and Fruits




Fruits and vegetables contain more essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals that any other food. They come in different shades of yellow, green, purple, red, etc. If you care about following a healthy diet, purple fruits and vegetables are the perfect choice, as they provide important health benefits. Health experts explain that you can gain the following benefits if you increase your intake of these purple sources of vitamins and minerals.

1. Slow Down the Aging Process

Purple fruits and vegetables are loaded with antioxidants which slow down the aging process. If you want a younger look, consume more of these foods as their level of antioxidants is much higher than that of others. The darker they are, the more antioxidants they contain.

2. Balance Blood Pressure

Eggplant, prunes, concord grapes, black currant, and purple cabbage contain flavonoids which help balance the blood pressure levels. Consume them to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and other heart problems. Another benefit from these natural foods is that they keep some types of cancer at bay.

3. Protect from Urinary Tract Infection

Thanks to the presence of anthocyanins in their content, purple fruits and veggies prevent urinary tract infection. They prevent E.coli or similar bacteria cling to the walls of the urinary tract. Increase your intake of these foods to reduce your risk of urinary tract infection and the discomfort it causes.

4. Support Heart Health

It’s good to care about the health of your heart in order to prevent possible heart problems like heart attacks. Adding purple fruits and veggies in your diet is a perfect way to do this, as they contain heart-friendly nutrients, antioxidants and anthocyanins, which will keep your heart healthy all the time.

5. Reduce Risk of Colon Cancer

The skin of these purple foods contain anthocyanins which reduce the risk of colon cancer. Therefore, make sure you add them in your everyday diet. These are just some of the great health benefits of purple fruits and vegetables. The best part is that you can prepare and combine them in various ways, so you will never get tired of them. Don’t be surprised when you will notice feeling significantly better and healthier after increasing their intake. Via 1M Health Tips