Rare Pink Moon In Libra On April 11, 2017: Prepare For A Huge Energy Shift!




This Tuesday night, April 11, expect to see a rare full moon lighting up the sky. The pink moon in Libra will bring a cosmic shift in energy. However, the name “pink” doesn’t mean the moon will actually have this color on Tuesday night. Instead, the name is derived from the beautiful, pink-colored Phlox wildflowers which are one of the first ones to blossom around this time of spring. This unique moon suggests changes that happen in nature during this period of the year. So, if you choose to welcome the energy shift, expect to feel positive changes in your own life.

What to Expect from the Rare Pink Moon in Libra

1. Better Intuition

Do not ignore the gut feeling you might have the following days. Your intuition will become stronger due to the effects of this rare moon phenomenon. Expect to connect better with your inner thoughts, desires, needs, and intentions. Just listen to your gut!

2. Increased Energy

The energy around you on this Tuesday night will be significantly increased. But, you’re the one who decides how to channel it. You can either use it as a negative source or better, to improve yourself and your life. Welcome it and expect positive things start happening in your life.

3. Closer Relationships

The days after the rare pink moon will strengthen the relationship with your closest ones. Use this time and energy to catch up with your family members, friends, and your partner. This is the right time to re-connect with someone you haven’t seen in a while. You’ll notice improved social skills and closer relationship with those around you.

4. An Awakening

You might feel a wave of conscious awareness. Don’t hesitate to open yourself up to it to reveal a significant discovery about yourself. Use this time and energy to re-focus on yourself and find balance. In other words, the self-discovery will help you choose the right path to take and see the future more clearly.

5. A New Adventure

Like any other full moon, this one is too related to new beginning and rebirth. So, this is the right time to do something you’ve been wanting for so long but didn’t have a chance to try it. This may be learning a new language, taking up a new hobby, or beginning a new exercise program. Regardless, it’s high time you stop making excuses and commit to it. Don’t allow anyone and anything get in your way! Source David Wolfe | Simple Capacity | Refinery | Space