My Patient Crawled through the Door in Sciatica Pain Agony, I IMMEDIATELY Told Him to do THIS




Today, one of the most common conditions that chiropractors have to deal with is sciatica. One chiropractor explains that lower back pain which radiates into the legs is especially common among his patients in North America. Recently, one of his patients had such agonizing pain that he came into his office crawling on all fours. In order to successfully eliminate sciatica, we have to understand what exactly this health condition is.

Meaning of Sciatica

Sciatica is a pain that originates from the lower back and continues down through the buttock, back of the thigh, lower leg, and foot. The pain appears when the sciatic nerve in the lower back is pinched or pressed, causing a sensation of pain, weakness, and numbness in the legs. The sciatic nerve root or the nerve itself can be pinched in several locations. Lumbar disc herniation is the most common reason for sciatica. Constant mechanical stress to a spinal disc can lead to the tearing of the outer disc layers, allowing the inner substance to push its way out of the closed space, or to herniate. This happens mostly at the weakest part of the disc, where the root of the sciatic nerve exits from the spinal canal. So, the nerve root is directly affected by this herniation, it activates and causes feelings of pain and numbness which continue down the leg. Degenerative disc disease and piriformis syndrome can mimic the effects of lumbar disc herniation. The piriformis muscle in piriformis syndrome becomes tight and presses the sciatic nerve on its way through the gluteal area.

How to Treat Sciatica

Every healthcare professional will agree that surgery is the last resort for sciatica. Instead, conservative care with chiropractors and physiotherapists should be performed.

1. Heat/Ice Therapy

If your sciatica is still in the early stages, use ice packs or heat packs to lower the inflammation and pain at the source of the problem. Ice helps to lower swelling and inflammation, while heat helps to loosen muscles.

2. Physiotherapy and Chiropractic Care

Both physiotherapists and chiropractors use various treatments to relieve sciatic pain and aid proper motion. Some of their treatments include soft tissue therapy, electrotherapy, exercises, ultrasound, other modalities, manipulation, and joint mobilization. Consult your healthcare provider about the right treatment for your condition.

3. McKenzie Exercises

McKenzie exercises are effective exercises given by physiotherapists and chiropractors, which centralize the pain in the lower back and reduce the pain in the leg. Consult your physiotherapist prior to beginning this therapy.

4. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

A lot of sciatica patients have reduced their symptoms with the help of acupuncture. This treatment includes small needled inserted at a specific point in the muscles, along the meridian channels. Muscles experience micro-trauma so the endorphins hormone is released. This hormone helps to calm muscle and nerve pain.

5. Decompression Therapy and Lumbar Spine Traction

In order to spread the lumbar vertebrae and help the disc substance re-absorb into the outer disc substance, some therapists use instrument-assisted or manual traction therapy. You should consider this option if you can’t reduce your pain with the previous treatments.

6. Painkillers and Anti-inflammatory Supplements

In case your condition is not improved by any of these treatments, consult your physician about anti-inflammatory and pain medications to lower your pain and inflammation temporarily. Use these medications with caution as they have been connected to heart problems. You can also consider some natural alternatives, like fish oil and curcumin as anti-inflammatory supplements. Before taking pain medications, consult your physician and pharmacist, as they can interact with other prescribed medications you are already using.

Via Cleveland Clinic