Study: This NATURAL Tea Removes Plaque Better Than Commercial Mouthwash




One important part of the oral care on a daily basis is rinsing with a mouthwash. People should be careful of this because although useful, mouthwash can be harmful. Listerine and other popular brands of mouthwashes contain alcohol, which is a great risk for developing oral cancer. There are more than 640,000 people over the world and close to 48,000 Americans that NCBI. The mouthwash is seen as a partial risk for cancers in the mouth, gums and the cheeks, tongue, etc. Every time you use the mouthwash, hoping for fresh breath, it is the alcohol and other chemicals and toxins that risk your oral health. Here is a list of some of the chemicals that may be hiding in your mouthwash and preventing a risk: 1. Chlorhexidine: It is claimed that this chemical associated with mouthwash use leads to increased blood pressure. A study in the journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine points out that everyday use (or twice a day) may increase blood pressure that may provoke serious heart problems. It is so because the chlorhexidine kills the good bacteria in the body and relaxes the blood vessels. 2. Alcohol: It causes bad breath by drying out the mucous membranes in the mouth and reduces saliva. Alcohol also changes the Ph of the mouth and throat. According the Dental Journal of Australia the alcohol increases the risk of developing neck, head and oral cancers. 3. Hexetidine (oraldene):The ingestion of this chemical can cause failure in parts of the brain that control sensory and neural functions. Although considered carcinogenic, oraldene can also provoke allergic reactions and unstable heartbeat. 4. Methyl Salicylate: One tablespoon of this substance is equal to over 23 300 mg aspirin pills. An overdose can cause profound problems such as: loss of vision, kidney failure, low blood pressure, convulsions, vomiting, difficulty breathing, etc. 5. Methylparaben: This chemical has been found within breast cancer tissues and that's why it increases breast cancer and the growth of tumors. It is found in mouthwashes, women's cosmetics, skin creams, deodorants, etc.

Green tea for Plague Removal

There is more natural, cheaper and safer form of mouthwash that can take a place in your oral care. According to a study conducted by researchers, the participants with existing periodontal disease changed their diet to one that included more fruits, veggies, beans, peas, potatoes, grains, lentils,  spices and water. The participants were asked to continue the regular oral care so the researchers studied the results which showed that the healthier the food was the stronger the oral health. Scientists claim that not only sugar have a bad impact on our teeth, but all the other food we consume. It is also found that something that greatly inhibited the plague bacteria on teeth within minutes was the green tea. In less than 7 minutes, the green tea killed nearly half of the harmful bacteria in the participants' plague. By a comparison of green tea and chlorhexidine it turned out that the green tea was a much better remedy for plague reduction even without any chemical that the mouthwash contains. When it comes to your oral health, practice using green tea rather than a liquid full of chemicals.

Watch The Video HERE [thrive_link color='blue' link='' target='_blank' size='medium' align='aligncenter']DIY How to make green tea extract (and mouthwash)[/thrive_link]

Via David Wolfe