Shocking: The Meat Industry Uses Huge Mutant Cows for Beef Production




The animal you see in the image is not a mythical creature! You might be shocked, but it’s a real bull that exists on some farms. It’s called a Belgian blue bull. These well-muscled beasts are known for their huge size and extremely muscled frame. Farmers have used selective breeding to isolate a mutated gene that supports such a stature.

Double Muscling

The reason why they are so big is the mutation they carry called “double muscling.” The meat industry developed a way to omit the gene that controls muscle growth for increased profit. In this way, their cows grow larger which means more meat. As it seems, the main purpose of every industry nowadays is to increase the quantity of quality. Consequently, health and morality have taken a backseat. Experts see double muscling as completely inhumane treatment of animals. They reach an enormous size which makes their life uncomfortable. Moreover, these cows have very difficult pregnancies so they have to undergo C-sections. Also, their calves can have enlarged tongues or other birth defects which won’t allow them to nurse. Further problems include bone, joint, and cardio-respiratory issues and even early death. But, Belgian blue bulls are not the only ones who suffer. They receive drugs that increase their growth and help them survive in miserable living conditions. When some of them fall sick, the farmer doesn’t bring a veterinarian but continues to give them human-grade antibiotics in even higher doses. In this way, farmers keep their cattle alive long enough to get them to the slaughterhouse.

Cattle Need Your Help

You don’t have to turn a blind eye to the horrible reality of today’s meat industry just because you can’t bear seeing or hearing such painful stuff. Instead, you can choose not to support it. Try to find which farms use antibiotics and selective breeding and don’t buy their products. Avoid giving your money to places that don’t deserve it.

Source Science Direct | Peta | The Sun; Image Source Pinterest