How Much Water You Should Drink for Your Weight?




Most of the human body is made of water and every single tissue, cell, and organ needs water in order to function properly. So, keeping your body hydrated all the time is crucial for re-energizing your body and for losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight. The majority of chemical reactions that happen in our body need adequate hydration and metabolizing food is not an exception. In case you are dehydrated, you can’t expect to have proper metabolism and you won’t be able to lose weight as planned. Some experts say that even one percent of dehydration can slow down the metabolism.

Consume Water to Keep Yourself Safe from Overeating

It was proven that increased water intake can keep us safe from overheating. There are situations when the body is a little bit confused and we don’t know whether we need water or food which usually ends in taking more food than needed. However, by taking more water before you have your meal, you won’t have this problem. In addition, water and hydration protect us from a wide range of medical issues associated with dehydration – weakness, dry mouth, fainting, dizziness, dry skin, heart palpitations, constipation, headache, muscle cramps, low blood pressure, etc. In addition, experts agree that chronic dehydration may have an impact on all your organs and result in cholesterol issues, kidney stones, muscle, joint, and liver damage, and constipation.

Determining Your Recommended Water Intake

You are probably aware that your weight plays a crucial role in determining this amount. Logically, greater weight needs more energy and this means that you should take more water. So, in order to find out how much water you need, follow this short guide: 1. Determine your current weight 2. Next, multiply the weight by 2/3 or 67% and find out how many ounces of H20 you need each day. For instance, in case you weigh 135 lbs, you will need about 90 ounces of water each day. 3. Physical activity. Experts suggest adding about 12 ounces to this previously determined amount for every half an hour of exercise.

The following are water-to-weight charts that will ease your job and calculations:

  • 100 pounds requires 67 ounces of water a day
  • 110 pounds requires 74 ounces
  • 120 pounds requires 80 ounces
  • 130 pounds requires 87 ounces
  • 140 pounds requires 94 ounces
  • 150 pounds requires 100 ounces
  • 160 pounds requires 107 ounces
  • 170 pounds requires 114 ounces
  • 180 pounds requires 121 ounces
  • 190 pounds requires 127 ounces
  • 200 pounds requires 134 ounces
  • 210 pounds requires 141 pounds
  • 220 pounds requires 148 ounces
  • 230 pounds requires 154 ounces
  • 240 pounds requires 161 ounces
  • 250 pounds requires 168 ounces.

3 Tips to Keep Your Body Hydrated

1. Make this your routine. It is very easy to start a habit of consuming a glass of water in the morning and before bedtime which will add about 32 ounces to your daily intake. 2. Take small steps. Buying a reusable bottle for drinking water is an Eco-friendly option that can help you achieve this goal. This is also a good way to calculate the amount of water you’ve consumed throughout the day. Feel free to add markers to the bottle and drink water accordingly. It is very easy to make this a challenge. 3. Spice up the water. Feel free to add some cucumber, lemon, berries, or some other suitable fruits or veggies in your water because it will make its taste a little bit different without being exposed to added sugar and other potentially unhealthy compounds. You can squeeze some of their juice or add a few pieces directly to the bottle. Via Slender Kitchen