Men Are Human Beings Too! Shocking News!




(pssst, It's a girl's secret, again) ...

It is a Fact!

Dear girls, I believe many of you think men don't have feelings. I bet you think their brain has formed a part of watching - football - compulsion and part of a ''mixture'' of s*xual fantasies and desire for a well prepared and delicious meal. Oh, I must disappoint you - men have two brain hemispheres as you girls have. More or less, the shape of the brain is the same.

Ladies, I know I have brought your ego to zero, but it is the truth - men are better drivers than women. Well, it is not a big deal...! Your husband, brother, or boyfriend can always park your car in the biggest traffic jam if you fail to do so. Anyway, I must disappoint you one more time. Since they are human beings too, men have feelings too.

They don't feel comfortable at all when YOU girls tell lies to them. Men notice when girls tell lies to them and when they show interest in other guys. Cheating, in this case, is out of the question - a man would always notice your betrayal! And, how would he feel about it?!? Terrible, believe me. You don't understand the men? Try to understand the male ego first.

A cheated girl is always thinking of how to pay the guy back a measure for measure and also thinking of buying new clothes in order to be more seductive, more attractive. A man, maybe, would not cry, but the tears his soul could cry out are more sincere than the ''salted water'' that comes from a woman's eyes.

Men are Perfect?!

Wait a minute! Men are not saints - don't twist the point!!! There are such men that are complete idiots. But, generally, men are simple creatures that don't need nail - polishes, lipsticks, eyeliners, and mini-skirts. Men need love, affection devotion, but rarely receive these treasures because they don't ask for them. A man will never say ''I need you to love me... ''- It's up to you to find the way to his heart.

Like a little child, a man will only wrap around his hands on you, embrace you, and won't say a word. He may not speak up and shout ''I love you''. However, can you read between the lines? He is always there for you...He looks at you with that look of a God and a fragile boy - that look only a man in love has. Is it really necessary for him to speak and pronounce that stupid, ordinary sentence ''I love you''? Men suffer when their love is unrequited (Such a pity - a woman can be such a b****! ).

Poor Men

Also, men are not so inept as sometimes are depicted (nowadays men do domestic things: do the dishes, cook...). To state that a man is incapable of anything related to domestic activities is the same as to state that a woman has to stay at home ONLY and mustn't have the right to vote. WAKE UP! It's the 21 century!!!

While the race between men and women and who is discriminated against more (from the two parties) lasted, men started losing their rights. Women raised their voices and took the job into their own hands: ''Who needs men?!? We are capable of everything! We stand up early; Go to work; Make lunch; Do the laundry; Clean the house; Drive car; Do the gardening ...Do you want to hear more?!?''

Can You Women Really Do It?

Then, why you call your ''honey'' to pick up the children from school when you ''can't make it'' ?; Why you ask him to order a pizza because you are too tired to cook the dinner; Why you tell him to drive the car when you are going on a holiday (and you are carelessly sleeping on the back seat with your children); Why do you ask him to to the shopping in the supermarket while you are washing the dishes...

Dear ladies, maybe you should ask yourself whether you are capable of doing everything at the same time? Let men do the men's job and you do yours. If you do everything a man should do, the world will be full of ''Mr. Inepts''. Poor men - now they are about to lose their right to vote...

It's nobody's fault... It's nobody's fault... it's 21 century's fault! Men and women have apparently, switched their roles... ''John, you idiot, give me your tools to repair the car!!! '', says Sara. '' OK, honey, but only if you lend me your dress, you know, the red one...!!! Sad but true...