Make Apple Cider Vinegar at Home to Lower Blood Sugar and Burn Fat Incredibly, Drink it Daily for Maximum Effects




The vast majority of people keep apple cider vinegar in their kitchen mostly because this type of vinegar is able to spice up any salad. However, are you are of the fact that apple cider vinegar was once used frequently as a natural cure for many different health problems? Even though there is no scientific evidence about these health benefits, there are few clinical trials that have confirmed the potential of apple cider vinegar. For instance, a scientific study performed in Japan that included more than 170 obese people has revealed some amazing results. The individuals who were part of this study were practicing almost the same diet, but a group of people used apple cider vinegar (homemade) regularly while the rest of the participants used different kinds of spices, herbs, and dressings. In the end, researchers concluded that the individuals who included homemade apple cider vinegar in their diet were able to lose more weight compared to those who avoided apple cider vinegar. Most experts in this field agree that apple cider vinegar is able to boost the activity of certain genes found in the body and stimulate the breakdown of fat buildups. In addition, apple cider vinegar has the ability to lead to a drastic lowering of blood sugar levels. According to Carol Johnston, professor, and director of the Nutrition Program at Arizona State University, apple cider vinegar has the ability to block starch digestion and starch is one of the main causes of blood sugar level spikes. In addition, Johnston claims that this specific type of vinegar provides anti-glycemic effects and there are few scientific studies that support this claim. Apple cider vinegar is unable to inhibit the activities of starch to the full extent, but this vinegar can prevent the majority of starch from being processed and in this way protects us from unexpected blood sugar level spikes. In case you don’t want to or you simply can’t purchase apple cider vinegar from a healthy food store, you will definitely appreciate this information – this vinegar can be prepared at home too.

Recipe for Homemade Natural Apple Cider Vinegar

Here’s how to prepare natural apple cider vinegar in the comfort of your home.
  • Cores and peels obtained from eight apples (organic);
  • Two tablespoons of organic, raw honey;
  • Water.
  • Place the cores and peels in a big glass jar. Put some water in it in order to cover the cores and peels;
  • Pour two tablespoons of organic, raw honey slowly and stir carefully until the honey is dissolved. Use a paper towel to cover the glass jar and seal it well. Leave the mixture for two weeks. After that, strain the mixture;
  • Remove the apple bits and seal the jar again. Leave the solution for additional 30 days. Stir and/or shake the jar on a daily basis;
  • There you go – the homemade apple cider vinegar is prepared!
Via Healthline Sources PH