The Lung-Cleansing Drink that Anyone Who Smokes or Who Has Ever Smoked Needs to Try




Smoking is one of the deadliest and most common habits on the Earth. More than 16 million people suffer from health problems caused by smoking, only in the U.S. For each death caused by smoking, at least 30 people are affected by serious smoking-related diseases. You may cut back on cigarettes, but they will still linger in your organism. They often cause serious and irreversible damage to your lungs. Luckily, we present you with a drink that will effectively cleanse your lungs from these harmful toxins.

What’s in the Drink?

The 3 main ingredients are ginger, turmeric, and onion. Each of them is loaded with health properties but combined, they form an even more powerful lung cleansing remedy. The Indian golden spice, turmeric, provides around 600 health benefits. The spice is also known for its antiviral, antibacterial, and Opera News and the high amount of vitamins and minerals it contains. This spice should definitely be part of everyone’s diet. Some of the many health benefits ginger offers, are settling an upset stomach, and eliminating the excess mucus in the lungs caused by smoking. The last but not least, onion provides potent anticancer and antioxidant properties. This vegetable that makes you cry and be self-conscious of your breath has been used in the treatment of many types of cancer, as it hinders the growth of cancerous cells.



  • 400 grams of onion,
  • 2 tablespoons of turmeric,
  • Thumb sized ginger root,
  • 1 liter of water,
  • 400 grams of natural sweetener (maple syrup, honey, stevia, xylitol, lo han, etc).


Pour the water into a pan, and add the sweetener. Heat until boiling. Add the chopped onion and ginger into the mixture, and once again bring to a boil. Finally, add the turmeric to the mixture but this time lower the heat to medium. You should heat until you get half the original mixture. Strain, and allow it to cool a room temperature. Refrigerate the cooled mixture, and consume one tablespoon in the morning, and one in the evening, at least two hours after a meal. It’s never too late to quit this or any other addiction. Although it won’t be easy, you will eventually feel the benefits. This drink is an excellent start for both, smokers, and ex-smokers. Prepare it today, and begin breathing a bit easier. Via Web MD | Healthy Food House | LAD Bible | Medical News Today