Learning a New Language: A key to a Healthier Mental State




Speaking more than one language has several advantages. Being bilingual or multilingual allows you to communicate with people from other countries and other cultures, and it also can help you to improve your job opportunities. However, one of the main advantages of learning another language is that it is good for your health in general, but more specifically it is good for your mental health. The great news is that today, having access to lessons and courses to learn a language is relatively easy. Thanks to the internet and globalization, online classes are booming. Not only that, traveling to other countries in order to study is easier than ever. There are many cities around the world offering courses for foreigners, like for example, if you are from the US and you want to learn Spanish, you can take Spanish lessons in Madrid. There are all types of courses that adjust to everyone´s needs. Nowadays, there is really no excuse to not learn a language, due to the internet and globalization, it is practically available to anyone. As we mentioned at the beginning learning a language has several advantages. Research shows that learning a second or third language improves cognitive abilities and memory. It improves brain neuroplasticity, that is, the ability of the brain to reorganize and form new neural connections facilitating learning, among other things. The learning of a second language has a significant impact on the development of brain structures; is like a complete 'training' for the brain. By switching from one language to another, new neural connections are generated and the ability to solve problems and improve concentration is increased, in addition to developing critical thinking. Bilingual people demonstrate greater creativity and mental flexibility. In addition to being shown to help stop mental aging and cognitive decline. Learning a new language helps to improve the capacity to retain information, by using the senses to be able to listen and understand new words, sounds, and structures. It challenges the brain to have a more concise analysis of information and to develop new structures that break with its traditional standards. When this learning is mediated by complete knowledge of the related culture, the history of a country and its customs and traditions, the experience and the result are even greater. An example of this is when people travel to another country to learn its language, like taking Spanish lessons in Madrid.

Advantages of speaking more than one language

It improves cognitive flexibility

Having cognitive flexibility means letting yourself be carried away by unexpected or new circumstances. People who speak more than one language complete new tasks faster and with less effort than those who only speak one language. This can be enhanced if the study is carried out abroad, for example traveling to Spain to learn Spanish in Madrid

It improves creativity

People who are exposed to multiple languages ​​are more creative and even if only during the first years of life, speaking another language helps to program the brain circuits so that it will be easier for them to continue learning.

It improves brain power

When you speak two languages, your brain has to work harder to control which language you use at any given moment. Switching from language to language is like training. That means that certain parts of your brain get stronger. People who speak two languages are more adept at switching between two tasks at work, and they are better at resolving conflicts. They are also better at concentrating and have a better memory than people who only speak one language. Adults who speak two languages tend to be better academically, socially, and professionally.

It helps to fight diseases

Bilingual people are not immune to Alzheimer's but it has been shown that the disease, in them, can take more years (between four and five) to develop. Learning a second language can exercise the brain in such a way that it appears to delay the onset of Alzheimer's.

It helps delay dementia

There are many studies that propose that bilingualism can delay the onset of dementia for up to four years. A bilingual brain is better able to cope with the changes that dementia brings. Short-term and long-term memory is better in bilingual patients than in monolingual patients. Studies show that getting serious about language learning at any age can help with dementia.

It helps you to communicate

Learning a language inevitably leads you to open your mind. The simple act of wanting to learn a language means that you have an interest in another culture and other people. Even more, if you plan to travel to another city in order to do so, like deciding to take a Spanish course in Madrid. Isolation can damage our mental health. If you move to another country and cannot talk to the people there, or access necessary services like the doctor, then your mental state will inevitably decline. Learning a language allows you to build new relationships and to interact better with the people around you. It opens you up to new communities, cultures, and experiences. Experts say that it is never too late to learn another language, although it is true that at an earlier age, it is easier and it shows better results; This means that children find it easier to consolidate basic processes that facilitate the mission. However, it is always opportune to start learning. Experts consider that the first step to improving in learning a new language is to establish clear objectives and keep in mind why and why you want to learn a new language. For example, if your intention is to improve professional skills, it is better if you study in another country and live in another culture, among other reasons. If you want to learn Spanish you can attend Spanish school Madrid in order to have a better and more efficient learning experience. Always keep in perspective that it is a lifelong process, that you will be learning constantly, and that at some point there will be difficulties.