Put These Bug-Repelling Mason Jars Outside and You Might Not See a Mosquito All Summer Long




There are some regions in the world where bugs simply enjoy living. Florida is a good example of a region like this. That’s why people there have tried many different natural repellents in the past. For instance, many of them use citronella oil in a regular mason jar. Of course, there are many commercial repellents that provide good results, but using essential oils and other natural ingredients for this purpose is always a better idea because they don’t contain any chemicals and toxins. So, these luminaries are both visually attractive and effective against different types of bugs.

Do-it-Yourself Insect Repellent Based on Mason Jar Luminaries

Here’s What You’ll Need:
  • Lemon, cedarwood, thieves and lavender essential oils. You will need 40 drops from each of these oils. Of course, you should feel free to make a different combination of essential oils and see how it works. However, this combination has proven to be effective against many insects. The amount of oils is for four mason jars;
  • Four mason jars. Feel free to recycle jelly jars;
  • Two fresh limes;
  • Two lemons;
  • Some water;
  • Eight sprigs of rosemary (fresh);
  • Light candles.

How to Prepare The Repellent?

  • Cut the limes and lemons and separate them from the rest of the supplies for a while.
  • Put two sprigs of fresh rosemary in each mason jar.
  • Pour water in each jar. Make sure that 75% of the content is water.
  • Put ten drops of essential oils in each jar. You will get the best results with the oils we have mentioned before. Shake each jar gently once you add the drops.
  • Put a slice of lime and a slice of lemon in each jar.
  • Pour more water in case the jar is not full (the jar should be almost filled to the top).
  • Put a floating tea light candle above the ingredients.
  • Place the jars outside, light them up and witness their beauty and efficiency.
  • Use new tea lights whenever the old ones stop functioning.
  • Remove the content from the jar after three days. Clean the jars and perform the same procedure again.
Via Making Lemonade