These Natural Remedies Will Improve Your Hearing!




There are a huge number of people suffering from hearing loss. This problem has a serious impact on their quality of life and the life of their family. But, what is even worse is that hearing loss is frequently ignored and left untreated. The fact is that the hearing ability is deteriorating with the aging process and this occurrence is called presbycusis. There are many factors that can contribute to the level of hearing loss. One thing is for sure, if people don’t treat this problem especially when it is moderate or serious, the sufferer will experience worsened communication which will ultimately lead to isolation, anxiety, depression and brain function deterioration. These Natural Remedies Will Improve Your Hearing!The good news is that there is a number of natural treatments and preventive measures that each of us can practice. The following list of natural remedies will enhance your hearing ability:

1. Cinnamon and Honey

In order to enhance hearing, take equal amounts of cinnamon and honey to create a healing mixture. Take one tablespoon of this mixture when you wake up and before bedtime.

2. Green Tea and Red Wine

We all know that red wine and green tea, are good for the heart health, immune system and mood. However, a few scientific studies have confirmed that red wine can be helpful when it comes to hearing loss too. Red wine is packed with antioxidants that can provide protection to the hairs located in the inner ear. These hairs are preventing the external factors that can damage our hearing. The same goes for green tea.

3. Garlic

Garlic is a vegetable that is respected in Sicily because people there use it to heal many ailments. If you want to improve your hearing ability make this natural recipe:
  • Simmer a few garlic cloves for a short period of time (use olive oil)
  • After that, squeeze the juice of the cloves by gently pressing them. Next, strain the oil you get with the help of gauze.
  • Pour four drop of this oil in the ear and use a piece of cotton to seal the area.

4. Red Onion and Garlic Juice

Thanks to this powerful beverage you will be able to improve (or even restore) hearing ability. The drink is made of 30 ml of red onion juice and the same amount of garlic juice. Take this natural remedy every day for at least two weeks. Via Today