How to Treat a Snake Bite Without Medical Help




Snakes are a group of reptiles with very elongated bodies that can be found almost everywhere in the world. They can be found in urban and rural areas too. Snakes are especially active after natural disasters like floods and earthquakes. The vast majority of people don’t like snakes and many people are disgusted when they are in their presence. These negative feelings are written in our human genetic code in order to make us cautious whenever we see a snake. Because of their physical characteristic, snakes can camouflage their presence very well. Very often, a snake bite is the first sign that there is snake around us. Snakes can be venomous and non-venomous, but this doesn’t mean that a snake bite from non-venomous snake should be left untreated because these accidents can lead to health issues too. In case you are bitten, the best idea is to call 911. However, in most cases these accidents happen in isolated area when people are hiking or exploring nature and the medical help might be few hours away. Snake bite is a serious problem that can lead to severe consequences if it is not treated in a timely manner. That’s why you must be prepared to treat a snake bite without medical help too. The following is a list of natural remedies that can help you treat a snake bite.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil or Origanum Minutiflorum alleviates the effects of venomous snakes, bees and spiders and it serves as a perfect first aid in case the doctor is miles away. Just rinse the wound from the snake bite and apply the oregano oil in larger quantities. Oregano oil is very powerful and because of that it should not be used in its pure form. You must dilute it with ordinary oil in a ratio of 50:50. It is interesting that lavender essential oil provides similar effects. Rinse the wound and freely apply this oil on the snake bite wound.

Activated charcoal

Apply moistened activated charcoal on the affected are right after the snake bite. Place a patch, bandage or whatever you can use in order to keep the moistened coal on top of the wound. Remember to change the compress after every 15 minutes. Occasionally check whether the charcoal remains moisturized and use small quantities of water if it is dry. Keep in mind that this technique can help in cases of snake bites from venomous snakes, but this might not be enough to save lives.


Echinacea oil was used for centuries by Native Americans. This oil was used as a neutralizer for the effects of snake venom. Echinacea is a pant that is known for its ability to improve the immune system which ultimately means that the body has better efficiency when it fights infections. In the case of snakebite done by venomous snakes, people should take a large quantity of Echinacea in the form of powder or oil every six hours. In case you experience difficulties while swallowing, keep Echinacea in your mouth as long as possible in order to absorb the active substances through the gums and tongue. When the content in your mouth becomes softer, try to swallow it. There are few other herbs and natural remedies that can help you in situations like this, but these ones have proven to be the most effective. Now let’s check some additional tips.

Additional tips

There are certain things that you should definitely avoid because they can only worsen the situation although they might seem logical in cases like this. For instance, you should never use ice on the wound, use a tourniquet or use electric shocks. In addition, don’t use alcohol or drugs. A snake bite leads to a wound that is completely different compared to cuts. Another good tip is to leave the area where the accident happened because the snake might attack you again.


When we are in the wilderness we are exposed to many potential threats. Sometimes people are confused and they don’t know whether they were bitten by a snake or some other animal or insect. It is crucial to identify the snake bite before you start using the treatment we have mentioned before. One of the first signs that you’ve been attacked by a snake is the mark that comes in the form of two puncture wounds. In addition, those who have suffered a snake bite will experience pain at the affected area, redness and swelling, nausea and vomiting, difficulty breathing, numbness in the facial area and limbs, salivating and sweating, problems with the vision etc. There are certain snakes that produce specific symptoms and signs. Finally, it is good to know that the sufferers won’t experience all these symptoms at once – there are different symptoms at different stages.