Kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body responsible for the elimination of waste material and balance of the body fluids. However, if you have frequent urges during the night, you may need a kidney to cleanse. This article will show you how to detox your kidneys naturally, what to eat, what to juice, and which food stimulates the elimination of the waste material.
Make sure you consult your doctor before you start with this kidney cleanse. This is especially important for those who suffer from some kidney problems and follow a strict diet regimen.
You will achieve the best results if you practice this kidney cleanse at a slow pace. First, test the ingredients then slowly replace the meals with suitable homemade juices.
How to Detox Your Kidneys Naturally?
There is a long list of benefits of this treatment, but some of the most important are the prevention of kidney infections and the treatment of bloating. Here are some other good reasons why you should cleanse your kidneys as soon as you can:1. Prevent Kidney Infections
The accumulation of toxic waste often triggers many infections, so it is of crucial importance to do proper flushing.2. Reduce Bloating
Toxic waste can lead to bloating because it weakens the function of the kidneys.3. Treat Bladder Problems
Clogged kidneys can cause some bladder issues that can be quite frequent.4. Prevent Fatigue
Fatigue is a very common symptom of improper kidney function. This is because the body is not able to absorb the nutrients properly and turn them into energy.5. Balance Hormones
Kidneys play a crucial role in the process of digestion. So, any kidney malfunction significantly affects the hormones and can even cause hormonal imbalance.6. Prevent the Formation of Kidney Stones
Fatty buildups are the main reason for the formation of kidney stones. So, it is of critical importance to cleanse your kidneys in order to lower the risk of kidney stones.7. Protect Skin
Improper filtration causes acne, rashes, and eczema.How to Do the Kidney Cleanse?
Most kidney procedures take up to 5 days. However, there are two options how to detox your kidneys naturally:- A five-day juice
- On days 1 and 5 - raw fruits and on days 2, 3, and 4 -juices
1. Radish Power
You need:- 6-8 radishes
- ½ purple cabbage
- 1 lemon
- 8 celery stalks
- 1-inch piece of ginger
2. Cucumbers and Carrots
You need:- 8 carrots
- 2 green apples
- ½ lemon
- 1 large cucumber
3. Watermelon Flush
You need:- ½ watermelon or fresh coconut water
- 1 peeled lime
4. Citrus Fruits and Cayenne Pepper
You need:- 1 lemon
- ½ lime
- 2 cups of water
- One dash of cayenne pepper
- 1 tablespoon of raw honey
Foods That Improve the Kidney Cleanse Process
When it comes to the question of how to detox your kidneys naturally, you can also pay attention to some foods. Some fruits remove the toxins and cleanse both the digestive organs and the kidneys. They include:1. Asparagus
Because of the powerful alkalizing and diuretic properties of asparagus, it prevents the formation of kidney stones. Also, its compounds break up the oxalic acid crystals in the kidneys.2. Celeriac
In fact, this is the root of celery, one of the most important foods in the process of kidney cleansing. It is high in important nutrients that cleanse the kidneys.3. Lemon Juice
You can’t find any kidney cleansing procedure that does not include lemon juice. The lemon acid breaks down the toxic waste and prevents the formation of kidney stones. So, if you suffer from frequent urges of urination, make sure you add more lemon to these juices.4. Watermelon
Since it is mostly water, watermelon is one of the most potent diuretics. Along with the watermelon juice, you can snack on some watermelon fruit. As we have mentioned before, the rind is high in powerful compounds that break down kidney stones.5. Spices and Herbs
You can’t imagine the perfect juice without some spice or herb. So, add some turmeric or ginger to your juices. They are loaded with potent antioxidants that improve kidney function. Also, nettle and dandelion leaves work well. So far we discussed the question 'how to detox your kidneys naturally' so make sure you practice these recommendations regularly. They will not only prevent some health issues but also will improve kidney function. Source Healthline | HealthlineImage Source Statesman
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