Varicose vein is a term used to describe a situation where veins are elongated, enlarged, and tortuous. The structure of the walls is changed and the blood vessels are very close to the skin.
We don’t need to remind you that such an occurrence can be very bad for the visual appearance of any man or woman.
The reddish and bluish lines that accompany varicose veins that spread around the legs are certainly not something that will make you look attractive. Although in most cases varicose veins appear on the legs, they can be seen in other body parts too.
So, what exactly causes varicose veins? The science has not yet found an answer to this question.
However, most experts agree that this health issue is linked to the damaged and malfunctioning valves found in the blood vessels.
Since blood would naturally tend to flow back through the system, valves are here to prevent that from happening.
If they are not working in the right way, the blood will return and start building up which ultimately leads to tension in the blood vessels.
After a short period, blood vessels become thicker, elongated, and larger.

Things That Can Speed Up The Appearance of Varicose Veins
- For instance, pregnancy can worsen the effects of varicose veins because there is an increased blood flow volume in pregnant women and the fetus is creating an additional pressure.
- Being overweight and obese can also lead to varicose veins because the lower part of the body needs additional support to handle the weight.
- Standing for long periods during the day and straining (in cases of constipation or chronic cough for example) can also contribute to this unpleasant occurrence.
- The aging process is another factor too.

Natural Treatment of Varicose Veins Using Tomatoes
Since the treatments and remedies we have mentioned are expensive and come with side effects, it is no wonder why so many women dealing with varicose veins are choosing inexpensive, safe, and efficient natural remedies. The good news is that you can find many of them online. There is one simple remedy that seems to be ineffective, but the fact is that it has helped hundreds of women around the globe. To start with the preparation of this remedy, take some tomatoes and clean them thoroughly. You can choose either red or green tomatoes because the effects they bring are the same. Once you are finished washing them, cut the tomatoes into thin slices. Put them on the varicose veins and use a wrap or bandage to keep them in place. Wait for a few minutes until you feel a moderate stinging. Get rid of the tomatoes if you cannot stand the sensation and wash the area thoroughly with plain water. You should perform this procedure five times a day for two or three weeks. So, what is the secret behind this remedy? Tomatoes are rich in a substance that acts similarly to aspirin. This substance prevents the coagulation and thickening of your blood which ultimately leads to reduced pressure on the “problematic” blood vessels. What is even better is that tomatoes are rich in antioxidants that assist the body’s efforts to repair damaged blood vessels and make the walls of these blood vessels stronger. Via Health Digezt
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