How Many Past Lives Have You REALLY Had?




Reincarnation is a rather fuzzy topic for most people. If there’s one person who does remember his/her past glory in details, there are millions of other people who don’t remember anything.How Many Past Lives Have You REALLY Had We hope that with this post, you’ll find out just one fascinating part of the reincarnation, and that’s the number of your past lives. We will do this by studying your color perception. Why through color perception? Well, because the soul that’s stayed with us throughout our entire life has a color. Throughout our life, our soul has been attracted to particular hues. With the help of these 2 starting points, we will try to shed light on the number of your reincarnations. Enough talking, let’s begin!
What number did you get? Feel free to share your answer with us, and to pass this post along to your friends to discover the number of their past lives. Via David Wolfe | Color Meanings | Playbuzz