This Remarkable Type of Honey Kills More Bacteria than All Available Antibiotics




We all know that raw, organic honey provides immense health benefits. However, not all organic honey is produced in the same way. A group of researchers from Australia has discovered one particular type of honey that works better than all antibiotic – the Manuka honey. This honey is created by bees that forage on the New Zealand’s Manuka bush nectar, as well as that of tea trees found only in New Zealand and Australia. Manuka honey is an effective, instant bacteria killer, and no bacteria can adapt to it. The superbugs killed by Manuka honey can’t build up immunity – something that antibiotics can’t do. This honey can solve the problem with superbugs resistant to antibiotics, thus save thousands of lives throughout the world.

It Fights Superbugs

According to Dr. Dee Carter from the School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences at the University of Sydney, antibiotics have short shelf life, and they quickly become useless as the bacteria they attack quickly becomes resistant. The European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases has published a report which says this type of honey killed nearly all pathogens and bacteria it was tested on. None of the tested superbugs survived the Manuka treatment, unlike antibiotic. Dr. Carter explains Manuka honey contains certain compounds, such as methylglyoxal, which kill bacteria by causing multi-system failure, leaving them unable to adapt or restore immunity.

What Can This Honey Do for You

Manuka honey provides potent anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, immune-stimulatory, and wound healing properties. But, what makes this honey so unique is its antibacterial properties which challenge even the life-threatening superbugs, like MRSA. Even though it’s most useful in the treatment of leg ulcers and skin wounds, Manuka honey is also marketed for high cholesterol, cancer prevention and treatment, diabetes, chronic inflammation, ear, eye, and sinus infections, and treatment of gastrointestinal issues. The scientific journal Peer J has published a study which claims the growing antibiotic resistance has made chronic wounds a major health problem throughout the world. Their treatment is difficult and expensive, and their healing is further delayed due to bacterial biofilms. So far, Manuka honey has shown to be the new potential, effective agent that is very much needed in the topical wound care. Due to Manuka’s broad-spectrum antibacterial activity, and the bacteria’s inability to grow resistance to it, researchers have analyzed the effect of this honey as an alternative topical treatment for wounds. The results showed that Manuka could prevent and eliminate bacterial biofilms. What’s more, researchers say this honey can kill all MRSA and MSSA biofilms in a chronic wound, which only further supported its use as an effective agent for topical treatment of chronic wound infections. Manuka’s great biological benefits have made it extremely popular superfood throughout the world. Unfortunately, this caused shortages, so many scammers started making fake, cheaper version of the honey. Therefore, before buying your Manuka honey, make sure it’s real by having the ‘UMF’ trademark (Unique Manuka Factor). Via Springer