Home Remedies for Chest Pain (Angina)




One of the most common complaints, when people go to the emergency room, is chest pain. Angina, or angina pectoris, is a chest pain that occurs when the blood flow toward the heart is reduced. It is explained as a feeling of squeezing, tightness, burning, heaviness, and pressure behind the sternum. More common angina symptoms are feeling pain in the back, shoulders, upper central abdomen, jaw, and neck area, as also sweating, fatigue, nausea, breathlessness, and dizziness. Some women can feel these symptoms without having chest discomfort and chest pain. The main causes of angina or chest pain are diabetes, cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, a sedentary lifestyle, high cholesterol, and a family history of diseases related to the heart. Since angina and heart attacks have similar symptoms, they are often mistaken for each other. However, the main difference is that the pain caused by angina lasts no longer than 5 to 10 minutes, and it’s not severe as that of a heart attack. Angina frequently appears during exercise and disappears when you rest. Moreover, in most cases, it disappears after taking nitroglycerin, or other prescription medications. However, people must take angina seriously, since it might be a warning sign for a heart attack. Usually, angina pectoris is a symptom of plaque accumulation in the arteries to the heart. But chest pain can as well be a symptom of upper respiratory infection, muscle spasms, bladder diseases, and indigestion. Treatment of angina usually requires prescribed medicines. However, you can also use some home remedies to lower the arteries blockage, and with that, to help decrease or even get rid of your chest pain. We present you the top ten home remedies for chest pain known as angina pectoris!

1. Ginger

Ginger possesses the chemical compound gingerol, which helps in lowering the levels of cholesterol. It also contains anti-oxidative properties so it protects the blood vessels from cholesterol damage.
  • Make ginger tea by adding one tbsp. of grated ginger in a cup of hot water. Let it soak for about 5 minutes with a cover. After that just strain it.
  • You can also consume a small piece of raw ginger in the morning on an empty stomach, every day to improve your cardiovascular health.

2. Garlic

The Journal of Nutrition published a 2006 study, which showed that regular intake of garlic can delay and even prevent cardiovascular disease. It can prevent the accumulation of plaque on the arterial walls and can reduce high cholesterol. This enhances the oxygen-rich blood flow.
  • In a cup of hot water, add half a teaspoon of garlic juice, and drink it
  • You can consume 1 to 2 raw garlic cloves with water on an empty stomach, as a preventive measure.

3. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper offers chest pain relief, and its content includes high amounts of capsaicin, which in turn has anti-inflammatory effects. Moreover, cayenne pepper regulates the blood since it helps to restore the blood flow to the heart.
  • Take a glass of milk, or some fruit juice, and add half or one teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder. After drinking this mixture, your pain will soon disappear
  • You can as well consult your doctor to take cayenne as a supplement.

4. Alfalfa

This plant is an effective remedy for lowering chest pain, since it helps decrease plaque accumulation and cholesterol levels, and provides good blood flow to the heart. The chlorophyll amount in alfalfa aids in the softening of the arteries and decreases the chances of cardiac chest pain.
  • Whenever you experience chest pain, consume warm alfalfa tea. To prepare it, take a cup of hot water and add a tsp. of dried alfalfa leaves. After soaking for 5 minutes, strain it
  • Take supplements of alfalfa daily to lower the chest pain frequency, after consulting with your doctor.

5. Turmeric

Another ingredient is recommended in the treatment of chest pain. Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric, which helps clot formation, plaque buildup, and cholesterol oxidation. Moreover, it possesses anti-inflammatory effects so it helps in chest pain relief.
  • Boil one glass of milk with added half a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Add some honey and consume it warm
  • Add turmeric powder to your everyday meals or consult your doctor to take turmeric supplements to improve the health of your heart.

6. Basil

Another excellent remedy for angina. It includes magnesium in its content, which improves blood flow by relaxing the blood vessels and heart. Furthermore, basil contains vitamin A antioxidant which prevents cholesterol accumulation in the blood vessel walls.
  • Consume a cup of basil tea or chew eight to ten fresh leaves of this plant to relieve the chest pain
  • To enhance your heart condition and prevent chest pain, consume a mixture of 1 tsp. of basil juice and 1 tsp. of honey the first thing in the morning, daily.

7. Almonds

Almonds contain high amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids that can decrease the levels of blood cholesterol and enhance heart health. Moreover, they help reduce total cholesterol and prevent future angina pectoris attacks, as they are high in fiber, plant sterols, and magnesium.
  • You’ll need equal amounts of rose and almond oil. Just mix them thoroughly, and rub the mixture carefully over your chest. The chest pain will soon be gone
  • Eat a handful of roasted almonds every day, to not only decrease the risk of angina but also other heart diseases.

8. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is considered to prevent angina and support cardiovascular health, according to Ayurveda. It is a powerful antioxidant and also possesses cardio-protective properties which lower the levels of cholesterol and promote blood flow to the heart.
  • Boil 1½ cups of water with one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds for about 5 minutes. After straining it, add two tsp. of honey and drink it. Your pain will soon disappear
  • You can also consume fenugreek seeds daily, to prevent angina and reduce your cholesterol levels. Just soak one teaspoon of these seeds in water and allow them to stay overnight. The following morning, consume the soaked seeds together with the water on an empty stomach.

9. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

People with high cholesterol, heart disease, or a family history of heart issues, should increase their consumption of foods high in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce the fats in the blood (triglycerides) and prevent the occurrence of angina. Moreover, they are extremely beneficial for heart health due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Consume two to three servings of fatty fish a week, such as a tuna, mackerel, salmon, herring, and sardines
  • Vegetarians can eat chia seeds, flaxseeds, soybeans, olive oil, Healthline, winter squash, and tofu
  • The typical dosage of omega-3 supplements is 500 milligrams a day, but before taking it consult a doctor.

10. Meditation

Last but not least, meditation is one more effective way to deal with your chest pain. It raises oxygen and blood flow in the whole body and slows down the heart rate. By relaxing, meditation will lower your stress and anxiety which raises your risk of chest pain.
  • Start by sitting in a comfortable position, and try to relax
  • Inhale deeply through the nose
  • Exhale slowly through the mouth
  • In the meantime, focus your thought on something happy
  • Do this until the pain disappears
You can also prevent angina pectoris attacks with some gentle stretches and yoga daily.

More Tips

  • When you are experiencing chest pain, inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth slowly. You will help your body relax, providing it with more oxygen
  • A glass of pomegranate juice is also beneficial for lowering the chest pain
  • Consult your doctor before taking the Coenzyme Q10 supplement, which can enhance the energy efficiency of your heart and the blood supply to the heart
  • Use extra-virgin olive oil in your cooking to improve your blood circulation, thus preventing pain in your chest
  • Since swallowing air can provoke chest pain, make sure you eat in a slow and relaxing manner
  • Muscular reflexes which can cause pain in the chest might be stimulated by cold, so avoid extremely cold places
  • Consume nutritious and well-balanced meals high in folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, and other nutrients
  • Chest pain can be caused and made more acute by strenuous activities, so make sure you avoid them
  • Avoid situations that make you stressed and upset, as stress can worsen your chest pain
  • Overweight people should try to lose some weight
  • Limit the intake of Healthline and alcohol
  • Stop smoking
  • Control your levels of blood sugar and blood pressure with proper diet and medicine.
In case your symptoms don’t disappear after several minutes, even after you have taken your medicine, call a doctor immediately since they could indicate a heart attack. Via Top 10 Home Remedies | Very Well Health | Very Well Health | NCBI