Meet The Holistic Doctor Who Prescribes Fruit And Vegetables Instead Of Drugs!




Drugs and surgery are the most common suggestions by modern doctors to patients who want to solve some of their health problems, but this doctors has a different approach – he suggests changes in patient’s diet. Meet The Holistic Doctor Who Prescribes Fruit And Vegetables Instead Of Drugs Food should be your medicine; this famous phrase was used by Hippocrates, the founder of medicine as we know it. However, only a few modern doctors pay attention to this saying and they usually focus on the pharmaceutical drugs and surgeries as a way to solve health issues. However, a progressive doctor who works in Houston, Texas, has started recommending veggies and fruits as a replacement for standard pharmaceuticals because he honestly believes that eating healthy foods is the basic change that every man and woman must perform in order to start the healing process. Dr. Garth David was prescribing drugs for many years for patients suffering from different diseases and health issues like hypertension and diabetes for example. However, after a while he realized that the lifestyle and diet people follow is the basic factor that contributes to their wellbeing. Dr. Davis is working at the Memorial Hermann Memorial City Medical Center as a head of bariatric surgery and he has stopped prescribing standard drugs. Instead of that, he recommends certain vegetables and fruits. The best part is that many patients feel much better after they followed his advice. Dr. Davis says that in most cases doctors prescribe certain medications or perform surgeries to help patients. But, what if each doctor takes some time and explains what healthy diet can do for us, to  each patient? Dr. Garth David and his assistants are trying to work in this way. His closest associate, Dr. Said Carillo Bucaram says that they both agree that consumption of fresh, organic food packed with fiber and nutrients must be part of the diet of every individual. Dr. David and his team, together with the Memorial Hermann Foundation as well as the Memorial Hermann City Medical Center Hospital have established the so-called Farmacy Stand.  This stand is working every Wednesday (from 10 Am to 2 PM) and it is situated in the Memorial Hermann City Medical Center’s lobby. Once the patients get a prescription for fresh fruit and vegetables from Dr. David, patient's visit the stand and get $10 discount for a standard $25 box packed with organic, raw products. The hospital is cooperating with Rawfully Organic. On the other hand, the stand itself was donated by the Memorial Hermann Foundation and this foundation also provides the money for the $10 discount in order to help patients make the right choice. Of course, this new concept is a little bit odd and even confusing to some people. Renee Garrett, part of Davis Clinic says that many people talk to her and ask whether the Farmacy sign at the stand is spelled right. Renee explains that they did this on purpose. The fact that they are offering organic vegetables and fruits from Farms is the reason why this is a Pharmacy. That’s when patients and visitors start asking more questions about the concept. Renee Garrett is one of the individuals who work on this stand every Wednesday. Each box found on this stand contains a myriad of fruits like bananas, oranges and apples and veggies like celery, Romaine lettuce, tomatoes and carrots. Of course, patients make their own decision and they are the only one who can decide whether they will follow doctor’s advice or not. What is interesting is that Dr. Davis is providing prescription pads to patients in order to convince them how helpful organic produce are. The Farmacy stand was founded in October, 2015 and ever since then, this stand has helped many people. Imagine a situation in which every hospital includes this concept. Dr. Davis has heard stories about few other doctors prescribing certain doses of fruits and veggies. He is happy about that and urges his colleagues to do this more frequently. This is a side effect-free alternative to pharmaceutical drugs. More and more people accept this approach and hopefully one day in the near future people will realize the importance of what we eat and drink to our health. Via Health Nut News