What Impact Has the High-Dose of Vitamin C on Cancer?




New Cancer Research at the University of Kansas, found that high dose of Vitamin C has a positive effect on human subjects and effectively removes the cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells intact. This research complements the original one in 1970, made by the chemist Linus Pauling at the University of Oregon State. He is a leading proponent of the Vitamin C therapy today. In a new study conducted on mice and human subjects, scientists injected high dose of Vitamin C in ovarian cells. These trials showed favorable results. Vitamin C effectively targeted only the cancer cells. There was difference with chemotherapy, where treatment destroys all cells (healthy and malignant). The conclusion is - chemotherapy is harmful to the health and often leads to death. People with cancer require safe and inexpensive treatment for their condition. According to Dr. Jeanne Drisko, co-author of the study, intravenous injection of Vitamin C have that feature.

Why Only a Limited Number of Patients Undergoing The Trials With Vitamin C?

This research includes many clinical trials that confirm the outcome of the examination. In fact, they made the study to remove obstacles in the further investigation of the Vitamin C use and to get an opportunity to expand on more human subjects. However, these studies need large financial resources, which usually come from pharmaceutical companies interested in developing and patenting of drugs. In other words, these companies are not interested in promoting the medical benefits of natural substances such as Vitamin C. They don't want to lose many of the multibillion-dollar conventional cancer industry. The leader of this research, Qi Chen, says that Vitamin C has no patent potential, and pharmaceutical companies will not support them. However, he hopes that research agencies will vigorously support these clinical trials with Vitamin C. For decades, despite the bad results, chemotherapy, radiation and surgery are the only treatment for people with cancer. It is ironic that despite this knowledge, the struggle against cancer continues with conventional treatments and avoiding alternatives as Vitamin C. The difference between oral and intravenous action of Vitamin C is huge. Oral doses of Vitamin C act as antioxidants. They protect cells from damage caused by reactive oxygen-containing compounds. However, intravenous injection of Vitamin C with hydrogen peroxide can have an opposite effect. Cancer cells are particularly susceptible to destruction by such compounds. Related articles: