Healthy Raspberry Coconut Cookies Recipe




Who’s ready for tasty raspberry coconut cookies? The following recipe is based on an old family tradition and we hope that you will enjoy it. 
  • ¾ cup of softened butter
  • Half a cup of sugar
  • One teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • One large egg
  • Half a cup of coconut (flaked)
  • Two cups of flour
  • A quarter a teaspoon of salt
  • One and a half teaspoons of baking powder.
Ingredients for the filling:
  • ¾ cup of confectioners’ sugar
  • A quarter a cup of softened butter
  • Half a teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • Two teaspoons of milk (2% fat)
  • Half a teaspoon of raspberry preserves.
Take a large bowl and put the sugar and butter in it. Whisk them until they become fluffy and light. Pour the egg and vanilla and beat them inside. Mix the coconut, flour, salt and baking powder and slowly add them to the mixture. Mix everything well. Use the mixture to create one inch balls. Put them 1 ½ inches apart on baking sheets (ungreased) and use a glass soaked in flour to flatten them. Put the mixture in the oven and bake at about 350 degrees for 14 minutes or until you notice that the edges of the mixture are brown. Put the mixture on wire racks and wait until it gets cold. After that, take a small bowl and pour the milk, vanilla, sugar and butter. Beat them until you get a smooth mixture. Put half a teaspoon of preserves and a teaspoon of the filling right on the bottom of the cookies. Use the cookies that are left at the top. Use a container that can be sealed well to store them in a fridge. This recipe is for two and a half dozens of cookies.

Nutritional information

One serving of these delicious cookies contains about 135 calories. It also contains seven grams of fat (including 4 grams of saturated fat), 110 grams of sodium, 23 mg of cholesterol, one gram of protein, trace fiber and 17 grams of carbs. Via Taste of Home