Getting Started as a Health Blogger: A Beginner’s Guide



by Gabriela // in Tech


The healthcare industry has gone through many changes in the last year and more people are deciding to start a career. No matter if you’re looking for a career change or are on the lookout for a new opportunity for your new startup and if you think this is the best business for you, there are some things you need to pay attention to. These health workers are the best-paid people in the world and as long as they know the language, they can work anywhere. That's why many entrepreneurs saw the benefits of starting a healthcare business and doing everything they can to make their startup successful. However, this is not so easy given that you’ll need to go through a lot of different laws and rules to find your spot in the healthcare industry.

Find your writing style

This will make or break your blog, especially with the people who will read your posts carefully and decide whether you know what you’re writing about or not. If you want to cover a certain topic, research it thoroughly first and write only about those things that are important. An article that’s filled with fluff content will be hard and exhausting to read, and your readers will give up reading not just that particular article, but your blog in general.  Check out some of the tips famous and successful bloggers are suggesting and try to incorporate that into your writing style. It’s important to be unique, so don’t try to sound like someone else - instead, try to find your voice, and your readers will notice and appreciate that.

Choose a platform

This is one of the most important steps in creating your blog since the platform you choose will determine what your blog will look like and how organized it’s going to be. The most obvious choice for many beginners is WordPress, since this is the easiest platform to manage, especially when it comes to optimizing your blog and your content.  There are many tutorials that will help you to create a blog, write content and learn the basic things about blogging. In addition to that, there are many plugins and add-ons that can help you in the process. There are also some alternatives that are also easy to manage, so it all depends on your preferences and the style you want for your blog.

Improve your knowledge 

You can write about different topics from a layperson’s point of view, but that won’t help you become respectful in the health bloggers' community. If you already have a medical degree, you should point that out and always add a professional opinion. In addition to that, you can always upgrade your knowledge and write about the importance of continual learning.  Many healthcare workers like to learn more about some of the basic stuff, which is why they think having an ACLS certificate is important, not only for them but for all of those who happen to be in a situation where a quick response is needed. You can write about the importance of having this kind of knowledge and accentuate how important it is to know the skills that can save someone’s life.

The basis of SEO 

Anyone who wants to run a successful blog needs to know the basics of SEO to be more visible to users and those who want to read about the topics you’re writing about. The first thing you need to learn about are keywords and what they mean for your blog and your blog’s visibility. This means you need to do some work to be ranked high for the topics you write about and this will help you get more visitors to your blog for some of the hottest topics people search for.  After a while, you’ll get more familiar with other SEO strategies, such as connecting with fellow bloggers, reaching more readers, promoting your blog, and using meta descriptions. Although these things may sound difficult at first, you’ll get the hang of them after a while.

Monetize your blog

Even if this is your side job, there’s no reason why you can’t start making some money in Health Writer Hub. One of the easiest ways of doing that is using affiliate referrals which means you’ll receive money for adding links to promote someone’s business or a product on your blog.  Also, you can earn money by reviewing products that you’ll get for free or get compensation to do that. Lastly, you can always add ads and earn money like that, without promoting products you don’t feel like recommending to your readers. Being a blogger can be a great outlet for those who want to help people by spreading the word about some of the most important health and wellness topics in the world. After you complete all these steps, the only thing left to do is to write your first post and start your blog!