7 Yoga Mudras for Quick De-stress




We face stressful situations every day, but we must find a way to deal with them. One stress-relieving technique from ancient India that people have practiced many years ago is hand yoga, which reduces anxiety and stress. Here are some of the techniques:

Surya Mudra

This hand technique helps you lose some weight, improve your digestion, and help your eyesight issues. It can be used also by people who have problems with circulation and trembling.

Prithvi Mudra

This technique increases the earth element over the fire one. It means that the earth element influences the growth of the tissues and muscles and encourages healing. The fire element, which is responsible for the inflammation of the muscles and the obstruction of the metabolic process, is eliminated in this way.

Vaaya Mudra

This pose helps in calming and soothing the body, influencing the improvement of oxygen transportation throughout the body. By doing this, it provides a feeling of harmony and calmness while at the same time reducing aggression and stress.

Shunya Mudra

If you practice this pose you will get rid of pain in your body. It relaxes the whole organism while healing problems with ears, vertigo, and a feeling of dullness in certain body parts.

Gyan Mudra

This pose is called a pose of wisdom and has a positive effect on your organism because it increases your creativity and enthusiasm.

Varun Mudra

This pose fights problems with arthritis, dehydration, and hormone disorders.

Aakash Mudra

You can take your mind off and enlighten yourself with this pose. You will also detoxify your body by removing tension and metabolic waste. Via Art of Living