When He Got Diagnosed With Stage 4 Cancer, His Son Suggested THIS And It Worked




You may find this story unbelievable because one man used baking soda and baking powder in the treatment of his cancer. This man is Vernon Johnston, and he had prostate cancer in aggressive stage 4 spread even in his bone matter. His driving force for recovery was the usage of baking soda and molasses.

Advice From His Son

Vernon was advised by his son to try raising his PH because of the fact that cancer can’t develop in alkaline or high pH. He met Larry after a certain period and was told to use cesium chloride in order to increase his pH level to a physiologically high alkaline level. Vernon’s alternative therapy is more effective since he didn’t go through any dangerous orthodox treatments. He even got his cesium chloride order lost in the mail but this didn’t stop him. In contrast, he kept looking for another source that will increase his pH level. As luck would have it, Vernon managed to find a recipe to destroy cancer before it destroys him. The recipe included baking soda and maple syrup. However, since he hadn’t got maple syrup in his kitchen, he used molasses instead.

Miraculous Results

This man-made notes of his daily treatment, which he called ‘The last dance with cancer’, in a diary. He added a good diet to promote the alkaline range of his pH, along with sunshine and vitamin and mineral supplements. Because oxygen is not tolerated by anaerobic cancer cells, Vernon begins practicing breathing exercises to further raise the elevated oxygenation from the sudden rise of his pH resulting from sodium bicarbonate. Instead of using oxygen for survival, cancer cells require fermenting sugar, which is why Vernon used maple syrup. The syrup intake permits the entry of the high pH sodium bicarbonate into cancer cells, shocking them with the unexpected surge of alkalinity. As a result, the cells are oxygenated and destroyed. Vernon made a more solid mineral base for his nutritional support by using molasses. If you do this at home, it is recommended to follow more than one protocol. People diagnosed with cancer should strictly avoid processed foods and sugars, as they can fuel the growth of cancer. After several weeks of his treatment, Vernon underwent medical examinations which only proved the complete reversal of his bone and prostate cancer. Vernon shared his story from 2008 in The Valley News, a local California newspaper, in 2009, but he is telling his story even today. There are many alternative solutions to cancer, such as this one, which is non-toxic and inexpensive. However, since they are a threat to the medical establishment, the Medical Monopoly doesn’t pay attention to them.

Via Medical Daily