Maybe You Aren’t Actually Gluten Intolerant. Maybe You’re Just Poison Intolerant




There are many people who believe that they are gluten intolerant, but when they have blood work, the tests don’t show any signs of this intolerance. So, there are hundreds of people who pass these tests specially designed to detect the level of anti-gliadin antibodies, but they know that the health problems they are experiencing are directly related to their diet. It seems that we now have the answer to why it turns out that these tests are correct. These people are not gluten intolerant, they are just poisoning intolerant. The real reason why wheat is toxic (it's not gluten), is The Organic Prepper not a while ago. It has cleared many dilemmas regarding this issue. There is a standard wheat harvest protocol in the US that involves the drenching of wheat fields with Roundup about 7-10 days before the special harvesters go through the fields and collect the wheat. The reason why they are drenching the fields is very simple – dead wheat plants allow simpler and bigger harvest and they are less taxing on the farm machinery. This pre-harvest use of the Roundup herbicide and a few other herbicides that include the lethal active ingredient called glyphosate to barley and wheat in the role of a desiccant was first recommended in the 1980s. Even since then, this practice has become routine and is applied as a drying agent about 10 days before harvest by most farmers. Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT, who has spent a lot of time analyzing this problem and who was part of the nutritional Conference in Indianapolis covering this topic, says that desiccating wheat crops with glyphosate before actual harvest became trendy in the 1990s and as a result of that trend, the majority of non-organic wheat in the US today is now polluted with glyphosate. According to Seneff, when wheat crops are exposed to a dangerous chemical like glyphosate, the wheat produces more seeds and the final result is greater yield. It releases more seeds just before it dies. The US Department of Agriculture confirms that about 60% of winter wheat, 97% of spring wheat and an incredible 99% of durum wheat produced in 2012 have been “treated” with Roundup before they were harvested. This is a significant increase compared to 1998. It is really shocking to find out that the farm community is using this stuff in products that are consumed by other people. This is one of the most dangerous and toxic herbicides on the market and on top of that, they do this just to simplify the harvesting and to increase yield. This herbicide doesn’t go away – it is milled in with the wheat and you can surely find it in your kitchen. This is one logical explanation for the ability of gluten intolerant people to consume products based on Einkorn wheat. Even if it is not an heirloom Einkorn, the fact is that this specific type of wheat is not treated with glyphosate. In other words, modern farming techniques are killing us slowly. Now let’s learn more about glyphosate. One of the first scientific studies focused on glyphosate has confirmed that this substance increases the growth of breast cancer cells. A recent study, published in the well-known journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, suggests that glyphosate, one of the most popular herbicides in the world, is able to lead breast cancer cells with the help of estrogen receptors to infinitesimal parts. This study designated as “Glyphosate induces human breast cancer cells growth through estrogen receptors”, made a comparison between the effects of glyphosate on hormone-independent and hormone-dependant breast cancer cell lines. The final conclusion was that glyphosate supports hormone-dependant lines in concentrations that are very low and relevant to the environment. Another scientific study has shown that eating glyphosate through foods leads to gut and intestinal damage, which is one of the first prerequisites for the development of more serious diseases like gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and diabetes. While we are talking about the gut and intestinal damage, it is good to mention that there is another allergy-type food that is becoming more and more popular. We have all heard about them and some of us are eating them on a daily basis – GMOs/GEs – genetically modified organisms. There are numerous studies that have suggested that GMO food leads to gut damage. A recent article discusses the effects of spraying large quantities of pesticides on GMO leaves and how they can be linked to some of the so-called modern diseases. According to the Organic Consumer Association, glyphosate is the most used herbicide on our planet. The EPA says that more than 200 million tons of Roundup were used on GE crops, roadsides, and lawns in 2006 and 2007. Eight years ago, more than 180 million pounds of glyphosate were spent by US farmers alone and this is 200% more than what they have used in 2001. A study conducted in 2009 has shown that Americans use more than 100 million pounds of this substance each year on their gardens and lawns. The use of slyphosate is now increased because the aforementioned GE crops are attacked by new forms of superweeds resistant to regular herbicides or small amounts of herbicides. The non-profit organization called Beyond Pesticides has gathered documentation from many studies that have confirmed that glyphosate can be directly linked to certain diseases like cancer, neurotoxicity, and even birth defects. In addition, these studies have shown the link between this chemical and lung congestion, respiratory irritation, eye irritation, kidney damage, etc. Glyphosate is bad for the environment too. It can pollute the soil and plants. Although EPA has made a decision to increase the limit of glyphosate use, the fact is that this decision is outdated. Almost all of the symptoms that people usually link to gluten intolerance can appear as a result of increased glyphosate exposure. This useful farming tool may be one of the main reasons for health problems all over the world. You can notice the difference if you choose different foods. For example, if you eat organic sourdough bread, you will notice that symptoms like digestive upset, bloating and abdominal pain are non-existing. The article we’ve mentioned before is very useful because it explains the gluten intolerance problems that cannot be confirmed with regular tests. This is the reason why you can eat Italian pasta or organic-made goods. This is the right time to change your diet and stop consuming food treated with glyphosate. Simply, avoid wheat products or stick to products made of organic wheat. This can also be viewed as a great chance to enrich your family's diet. This diet is less expensive and offers a variety of food choices. Buy organic flour because you don’t need gluten-free flour. It seems that there are many people who are not gluten intolerant and the bloodwork they had is accurate. They are probably just poisoning intolerant. Via The Organic Prepper