Forget Coffins! This Company Will Swirl You Into Beautiful Glass Creations When You Die




A Holiday is a Seattle-based company that helps people cope with the grief and loss of a deceased loved one. What this company does is create unique glass memorials using the ashes of the deceased. As they explain, these glass memorials provide comfort when suffering from losing your loved ones, allowing you to hold and cherish your memories. Their artists capture and seal the spirit of your deceased loved one in a swirl of ashes and color within beautiful glass art. Each creation comes with the name of the loved one and an inscribed message. The artists in Artful Ashes need only 1 tablespoon of the deceased’s ashes to create these unique memorials. They include the ashes in 14 ounces, 3.5 by 3.5 inches solid glass orb or heart. Reddit customers say the price of one glass creation is $145. Here’s their Facebook page to keep up with them. What do you think about this new creative idea of memorizing the ashes of your loved ones and keeping them close to you? Do you think it’ll help you during the grieving process, or do you find this idea too strange? See how this beautiful glass art is created in the video below:

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