The Exercise More Efficient Than 1000 Abs: Get Flat Abdomen by Exercising 1 Minute a Day & For a Month




In case you have ever tried to make your belly tighter or flatter, then you definitely know how difficult it is to achieve something like this because it is very difficult to shred extra weight from this body part. On the other hand, most people would love to have tight and attractive abs, but the vast majority of people hate the regular exercises designed for this part of the body. The good news is that there is a simple way to get the abdominal muscles you have dreamed about and it won’t take much effort before you get them. Several fitness experts have confirmed that one, very powerful workout can help people solve this problem because it is more efficient than any other traditional exercise for abs. This exercise is commonly known as The Plank. Without any doubts, The Plank will make the abs very flat and tight and on top of that, it will regulate your body’s posture and eliminate pain in the neck and back. You must be sure that you are doing the plank in a proper way because this is the only way to reap the benefits it provides.

The Plank Exercise

Now here’s a short guide about how you should do this. First of all, put the hands on the ground and make sure that your neck and shoulders are straight. This unique exercise is concentrated on the abs, but you will also involve the muscles on your legs too. So, place your heels in a specific position that will put pressure on the toes and notice the pressure and tension in the thighs. If you want to trigger the muscles located in the lower body, contract the buttock’s muscles. But, keep in mind that you should not rise the buttock up because the body must remain flat as a plank and not like some kind of triangle. If you want to keep this position for a longer time, inhale and exhale evenly and deeply. In addition, visualize a glass of water put on your back, so your basic goal should be to prevent any spills. Once you figure out how to maintain this position, the next thing that you should do is to begin with the exercise. Don’ forget that both the hands and the knees must remain on the floor, the back must be completely flat and your shoulders a little bit wider than what we call shoulder-width apart. Your main focus should be placed on the ground beyond the hand so you can keep the neck, head and spine straight. Put some pressure on your toes and put the left leg on the ground. After that, do the same with the right leg. When you do this, you will feel that the complete body weight relies on the hands and toes. At this moment, begin with abs contraction and keep in this position between 20 and 60 seconds. After that, relax your body completely. The basic goal is to increase the time keeping the plank for up to one minute. Perform this procedure three times in a row every day and after one month you will witness the amazing results. Via Reader's Digest