Epic Sunscreen Fail Shows Dangers of Not Using Spray-on Sunscreen Correctly




In case you want to use a commercial spray-on sunscreen there are certain things that indicate that this product should be rubbed for the expected results. For instance, the clearly visible label suggests this, but in case you miss the label your mom will probably remind you or if you turn on your brain common sense will kick in and make you rub and spread that sunscreen all over the body. However, amici_ursi, a popular Reddit user, has several friends who missed all these warnings and had to deal with the consequences of their ignorance. In case the small pieces of art on their back in the forms of blisters won’t make you use a good sunscreen when you are sunbathing next time, then we don’t know what will. First of all, the burns appear very painful. Just look at the unusually red hue. In addition, they have clearly visible stripes. At first sight, this situation appears quite funny, but after a while we realize how important it is to be careful out there under the sun. Don’t forget that melanoma is one of the most fatal types of cancer and our backs are most prone to it. Bottom line – always rub the sunscreen! Via Today