Dry Brushing: About, 3 Steps of Doing It, And 6 Ways It Helps Your Body




The toxic deposits of subcutaneous fibrous tissue and fat material located mostly in the thighs, and hips of women is the reason for the dimpling appearance of skin, more known as cellulite. Although usually found in women, cellulite can as well affect men, and this stubborn condition doesn’t know age or weight. The biggest problem about cellulite is that it can’t be easily eliminated. There are various treatments and home remedies which claim to remove cellulite completely, but their successful results are unfortunately rare. We found a home treatment that has proved to be extremely successful when it comes to eliminating the stubborn cellulite.

Dry brushing

Dry skin brushing is a treatment which detoxifies the skin, by stimulating detoxification of numerous internal organs with gentle interior massage. This effective treatment for lowering cellulite improves circulation and lymphatic drainage, ultimately eliminating the toxins from the body.

How to do It

1st Step. Choose a smooth natural fiber brush and make sure it’s with an elongated handle to get to certain areas in your body that are hard to reach. 2nd Step. Do this cellulite treatment once a day, preferably in the morning. If you are not satisfied with the results, brush your skin twice a day. Brush the affected areas 5 to 10 minutes, up to two times a day to eliminate cellulite. Repeat the treatment every day, for at least 5 months. Don’t brush your genitals, face (except if you have a special face-designed brush), areas with varicose veins, and other abrasions and irritations. 3rd Step. Do this cellulite treatment before taking a shower, or bath, to wash off all the dirt shed from the skin brushing.

6 Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing

1. Reduces cellulite – When you dry brush your skin, the hard fat deposits located under your skin distribute the fat more evenly. 2. Exfoliation – This treatment removes the dead skin cells, clearing your clogged pores, improving the skin appearance, and allowing the skin to breathe 3. Stimulates lymphatic system – This system is responsible for removing cellular waste products. So, if it’s not working properly, toxins and waste can build up and make you ill. 4. Improves circulation – The very brushing of the skin increases the circulation, which in turn helps remove metabolic waste. 5. Improves kidney function and digestion – A lot of naturopathic doctors use this method to treat bloating, as massages on the lymph nodes stimulate the excretion of toxins and excess water 6. Relieves stress – Many people use dry brushing as a stress relief method, especially when done in a quiet space. It can calm your mind, reduce muscle tension, and relieve stress. [thrive_link color='purple' link='https://www.healthandlovepage.com/get-rid-of-cellulite-in-thighs/' target='_blank' size='medium' align='aligncenter']10 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite in Thighs[/thrive_link] Via Mbg | Dr. Mercola