Don’t EVER Use Apple Cider Vinegar If You’re on Any of the Following Medications




Apple cider vinegar is a widely-known healthy ingredient. It helps with digestive problems and it’s good for gut bacteria. It’s one of the essential things in every healthy pantry, and for a good reason.

ACV Health Benefits

1. Acetic Acid. A Japanese study suggested that the acetic acid found in abundance in apple cider vinegar can help control fat build-up and blood pressure. 2. Cancer-Fighting Properties. A Chinese study found that consuming apple cider vinegar and vegetable lowered the risk of esophageal cancer. Nevertheless, its effectiveness is different in some cancer types, as it can promote the development of ACS by 4.4x. 3. Proven Bacteria Killer and Disinfectant. A bath with apple cider vinegar will balance your external body bacteria, so it’s perfect in cases of athlete’s foot or yeast infection. 4. Reduces Bad Cholesterol and Prevents Cardiovascular problems. This vinegar contains chlorogenic acids which lower bad cholesterol or LDL, thus preventing it from building up and crystalizing in the bloodstream. Although the study which has proven this was conducted only on rodents, balancing a healthy diet is good for every person who wants to keep the levels of LDL low. Study: This Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Activates Fat-Burning Genes in The Body

When Shouldn’t You Use Apple Cider Vinegar?

Although apple cider vinegar is highly beneficial, it’s not recommended for everyone all the time. For example, it harms people with bladder cancer. Other people that shouldn’t consume this vinegar are: A general warning is that a daily dosage of 8 ounces of this vinegar, in the long run, can lead to health issues like low levels of potassium. A man consumed 8 ounces of apple cider vinegar every single day for six years, and he developed osteoporosis. Pregnant and TOI mothers. The interaction of apple cider vinegar with the body is still not precisely determined, so it’s always better to play it safe when it comes to the life of your baby. Avoid this vinegar, until your baby is weaned. Diabetics. These people should be careful with apple cider vinegar consumption, especially for diabetes type 1 since it can affect and reduce their insulin production. If you still plan to use this vinegar, you should monitor your blood sugar more closely and adjust your medications. Moreover, insulin can also reduce the levels of potassium, and large amounts of this vinegar can also reduce the levels of potassium in the body. Therefore, taking APV together with insulin can cause a drastic decrease in the levels of potassium in the body. In addition, if you take drugs like chlorothiazide (Diuril), Digoxin (Lanoxin), chlorthalidone (Thalitone), hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ, HydroDiuril, Microzide), and furosemide (Lasix) all of which reduce the levels of potassium, you should be cautious when combining them with APV, which can as well reduce potassium. In turn, lack of potassium can lead to heightened side effects from the previously mentioned drugs. Via Healthline | WebMD