Coronary Arteries Cleanse With Only 3 Ingredients




The basic function of arteries in our body is to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the heart and to other basic body organs. So, keeping arteries clean and healthy should be our top priority. Coronary Arteries Cleanse With Only 3 Ingredients In order to achieve that, we must take care of nutrition. Foods that contain large amounts of fats, highly processed foods, chemicals and toxins usually result in damage of our cardiovascular health because they have multiple negative effects on the cardiovascular system. Experts have identified three highly efficient ingredients that have the ability to ease and completely clean blocked arteries and eliminate fat from our blood. They are especially useful for people dealing with blocked coronary arteries. The good news is that we can mix all these ingredients in order to get a tasty drink which brings many health benefits. [thrive_link color='blue' link='' target='_blank' size='big' align='aligncenter']7 Simple Ways to Unclog Your Arteries Naturally[/thrive_link] This drink can stabilize body fat, help you eliminate blocked arteries, cleanse the liver, keep the body safe from cold and flu, eliminate free radicals and improve the overall immunity.

Coronary Arteries Cleanse Drink

The following is a recipe for this incredibly useful drink that will cleanse your coronary arteries.
  • Four liters (one gallon) of fresh, clean water
  • Eight cloves of garlic
  • Eight lemons
  • Ginger (5 cm – 2 inches)
Take the lemons, rinse them and cut them into regular pieces. After that, add the peeled and cleaned ginger and garlic and place all these ingredients in a blender. Use the blender to blend them well until you get a smooth mixture and after that put it in a pot. Next, add the clean water and place the solution from the pot to boil. Once it begins boiling, remove the mixture from heat. Wait until it cools off and strain it. Store the drink in bottles.

How to Use This Drink?

In order to feel the benefits of this beverage, you must drink it every day. It is best to consume it about two hours before each meal on an empty stomach. In order to speed up the cleansing process, exercise for three times a week. After only one week, you will start feeling better.