Homemade Cough Syrup to Remove Phlegm from the Lungs




Onions are vegetables known for their excellent disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties. Besides using these veggies for preparation of natural home remedies, you should also place an onion close to your pillow before bedtime. Cough is a very annoying and frustrating health condition and what is even worse is that there are different types of cough too. Each of these coughs has distinctive symptoms and signs and it is quite logical that we should use different natural remedies for each of them. This article will present an incredible natural, homemade cough syrup that supports the body in its efforts to eliminate phlegm from the lungs and in addition, we will share few other efficient natural remedies and recipes.

A few things you should know about productive cough

In case you experience tightness in the chest and you notice a wheezing or whistling sound when breathing; in case phlegm occurs when you cough up and/or you notice mucus accumulation in the chest/airway, then you are dealing with productive cough. A wet or productive cough is a direct result of a buildup of very thick mucus, which naturally occurs in three different colors – green, yellow and white. It is quite natural for the body to cough in situations like this because the system needs to remove the mucus that is affecting the proper functioning of the entire body.
Some of the symptoms of a productive cough include:
  • Sticky and thick phlegm that is removed by coughing;
  • Continuous cough;
  • Feeling of tightness;
  • Wheezing sound while breathing or coughing;
  • Intense coughing in the morning;
  • Heaviness in the chest area.
[thrive_link color='blue' link='http://www.healthandlovepage.com/pineapple-juice-more-effective-than-cough-syrup/' target='_blank' size='big' align='aligncenter']Pineapple Juice Is 5 Times More Effective Than Cough Syrup[/thrive_link] As we have mentioned before, phlegm comes in different colors and these colors help people determine the cause of coughing.
So take a close look at the phlegm and see what it means:
  • If it is pink phlegm, then you probably have some asthmatic problems;
  • In case it is yellow, you are witnessing an immune response to inflammation that is located in the airways;
  • In case it is transparent/clear, this is normal phlegm;
  • If the phlegm is gray, you need to cut the cigarettes use;
  • In case it is green, there is presence of bacterial infection usually bronchitis;
  • If the phlegm is brown, you’ve probably been exposed to air pollution or smog.
[thrive_link color='green' link='http://www.healthandlovepage.com/defeat-cough-and-bronchitis-water-and-bananas/' target='_blank' size='big' align='aligncenter']Defeat Cough and Bronchitis in No Time by Mixing Water and Bananas[/thrive_link]

Natural Cough Syrup to Eliminate Phlegm from the Lungs

The following is a recipe that will provide a very useful remedy to eliminate mucus from the lungs. Even young children can use this recipe.
  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed;
  • 1 tablespoon of marshmallow root;
  • 1 cup of brown sugar;
  • 1 cup of water;
  • 1 lemon (cut into slices);
  • 1 tablespoon of sage.
Pour the water in a saucepan together with the sugar and boil it until it starts melting. At this point, add all the ingredients, mix them well and remove the mixture from the heat. Leave it like that for about 15 minutes and after that, strain the mixture into a clean glass jar and seal it well. Take one tablespoon of this natural cough syrup three times a day. Stop using it once you notice that the situation is much better. Store the mixture in a fridge. [thrive_link color='red' link='http://www.healthandlovepage.com/bronchospasm-natural-cures-for-chronic-cough/' target='_blank' size='big' align='aligncenter']25 Bronchospasm Natural Cures To Get Rid of Chronic Cough[/thrive_link]

Natural Homemade Remedies for a Cough with Phlegm

In addition to the amazing cough syrup mentioned above, you can also use few other recipes for eliminating phlegm when coughing. These remedies will help you in case the phlegm is white, which is a milder type of phlegm.

1. Remedy based on vaporizers

This type of remedy has been used since ancient times and it has proven to be very effective for many people. You can create these vapors only with water or you can add some coarse salt or some other healing herbs that are good for the respiratory system like eucalyptus, mint, sage, thyme and elderberry. Place a pot of water until it starts boiling. When the water starts boiling rapidly, position the face close to it and use a towel to cover the head.

2. Remedy based on pepper and honey

These ingredients are known for their powerful expectorant properties which mean that they can remove phlegm related to coughing. Just mix one tablespoon of raw honey with only a pinch of black pepper. Take this mixture two times a day. [thrive_link color='orange' link='http://www.healthandlovepage.com/natural-cough-syrup/' target='_blank' size='big' align='aligncenter']Incredibly Effective Homemade Natural Cough Syrup[/thrive_link]

3. Remedy based on onions

Onions are veggies with many health benefits. For instance, an onion is a strong disinfectant and has strong anti-inflammatory properties which are especially noticeable in the respiratory tract. In order to heal a cough with phlegm, you can use onions in different manners. The simplest one is to cut an onion in half and smell the scent. You can also use it to make a tea – one onion and four cups of boiling water.

4. Remedy based on garlic

Here’s another effective home remedy that will help you solve respiratory issues. Garlic is packed with useful substances and this vegetable is known as a natural antibiotic too. Simply cut a clove and consume it raw. You can also use the same recipe like the one for the onions in order to make a tea.

5. Remedy based on ginger and milk

In order to create this remedy, you will need to use a slice of ginger root in a combination with a glass of warm milk. Ginger root has expectorant features and if we use it in a combination with very warm milk we will be able to remove phlegm. It is best to use this remedy before you go to bed. Just mix these two ingredients and drink the mixture while it is warm. It will improve your breathing and help you get a good night’s sleep. [thrive_link color='dark' link='http://www.healthandlovepage.com/asthma-bronchitis-cough-lung/' target='_blank' size='big' align='aligncenter']Traditional Remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough & Lung Diseases[/thrive_link] Via Step to Health