If you have high blood pressure, you need to do everything you can to reduce it as it can lead to serious health conditions, such as heart attack and stroke. Your blood pressure level can raise as a result of different factors, including weight, lifestyle, diet, and age.
Even though most people try to reduce and regulate their blood pressure by taking medications, there are other ways you can solve this problem naturally.
Here are five ways to reduce your high blood pressure and maintain normal levels, without medication.

1. Regular Physical Activity
Regular physical activity like exercising, walking, swimming, jogging, and running can control your blood pressure and keep it at normal levels, as well as improve your overall health and body. Being physically active can prevent full-blown hypertension in those with prehypertension. Just be consistent, and you’ll soon notice improvements.2. Lose Weight
Being overweight or obese can have huge impact on your blood pressure levels. So, if you fall into these weight categories of people, you have high risk of hypertension. To know the optimal weight according to your age and height, you need to know your BMI. In this way, you’ll know how many pounds you need to lose to eliminate the risk of hypertension, or to reduce your levels of high blood pressure. Consult your doctor about your BMI, and don’t forget to measure your waist.3. Reduce Stress
We know avoiding stressful situations is not easy, as we are constantly dealing with minor or major problems at home or work. However, stress is a huge factor that can lead to hypertension, which in turn can cause many other health conditions. That’s why it’s important to find your own way to cope with stress. That might be going for a run, or walk, playing your favorite sports, or even listening to your favorite songs. Just discover what works for you best. [thrive_link color='orange' link='https://www.healthandlovepage.com/foods-naturally-bring-down-high-blood-pressure/?c=content_button' target='_blank' size='medium' align='aligncenter']6 Everyday Foods That Naturally Bring Down High Blood Pressure[/thrive_link]4. Reduce Your Sodium Intake
People with hypertension should reduce the intake of foods high in sodium. According to Mayo Clinic, reducing your sodium intake can reduce your blood pressure from 2 to 8 mmHg.5. Monitor Your Blood Pressure Levels
If you monitor your blood pressure levels on a daily basis, you’ll know whether the previously mentioned lifestyle changes are actually helping you. Keeping tabs on your blood pressure can alert you to potential health problems. You can use a blood pressure monitor to check your blood pressure levels at home. Via Health Digezt | Mayo Clinic
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