Clear The Lungs and Boost The Immune System With 1 Cup




How To Clear The Lungs and Boost The Immune System Using This Remedy

The following natural remedy is especially useful in cases of children’s cough and it can also improve their immunity. This incredible recipe is primarily designed for children who cough without breaks for several days in a row and also produce a squeaking sound that from the lungs. Only one cup of this natural drink will aid the body’s efforts to eliminate mucus from the system and stabilize the immune system.
  • One cup of hulled oats
  • One cup of water
  • One cup of sugar
Take the oats and clean them thoroughly. After that, place them in a pot and pour the water and sugar (one cup each or about 250 ml). Place this mixture on a strove until it starts boiling. Wait for a few minutes. The best idea is to cook this mixture before bedtime and leave it overnight. The next morning, remove the oats and pour the medicinal liquid in a clean glass jar. Store it in a refrigerator. This mixture will last up to 5 days. Give one small cup of about 30 ml of this potion to your child in the morning before breakfast. Continue with this practice for about 40 days. After that, stop the treatment for about two weeks. Once the break is finished you can continue with the same treatment for 40 days more. You child will eliminate mucus and strengthen their immunity. It is crucial to help your kid take this remedy on a daily basis. Make sure that your kid has a cup of this incredible drink early in the morning and do this for 40 days in a row with a two week break. After that, give this drink to your kid for 40 days more. When you are finished, you won’t need to use it again because your child will have a strong immune system and won’t have to deal with diseases and viruses again.

What Makes Oats Special?

There are numerous studies that have confirmed that oats are very healthy food because they are packed with very special nutrients. People have used oats as a healing herb for centuries. When we get rid of the chaff on top of the oats, we will notice that oats are rich in very useful nutrients like vitamin B and A, lecithin, some amino acids and protein, calcium, niacin, phosphorus, biotin, iodine, magnesium, zinc and few more nutrients. In addition, you can also include oats in your soup. This soup will do wonders for people who are trying to stabilize their system after intestine or stomach surgeries, kidney issues, gallbladder, blood sugar problems and gastric ulcer. Via Healthy Lifestyle Advice