7 Reasons to Choose Castile Soap, and 18 Ways You Can Use It




In case you want to take good care of your well-being and health, then you have probably already looked for some of the most efficient products that can bring different kinds of health benefits. In order to save you some time, we will present one product that can boost your health right away. This product is natural and doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals. So, let’s learn more about castile soap. As the name suggests, castile soap was invented in Castile (a historical region), Spain. It represents a soap based on vegetable oil. The most valuable form of this soap is the one that doesn’t contain any detergents usually found in commercial soaps. The following is a list of 7 reasons why we should use castile soap:

1. Castile Soap is All-Natural and Doesn’t Contain Toxins

Unfortunately, the majority of soaps found on the market are packed with different kinds of toxic elements. Using chemicals directly on your skin may be even more harmful than eating them because they can reach the bloodstream through the skin without being processed by some of our organs. However, castile soap contains ingredients based on vegetable oils including olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, and hemp oil. Of course, it also contains some essential oils and water too.

2. Castile Oil is Vegan, Organic, and Not Expensive

Due to the fact that this soap relies on veggie oils instead of tallow fat, vegans can definitely find it useful. Dr. Bronner’s castile soap is quite popular among vegans because it has a certification that confirms that the product is suitable for vegans. The rest of the ingredients are GMO-free and organic too.

3. This Soap Doesn’t Support Bacteria

What is really shocking is that most of the liquid soaps we found today are advertised as 100% anti-bacterial, but many of them are actually supporting bacterial growth. A huge number of popular brands are packed with triclosan, a well-known synthetic antibacterial compound that is actually a harsh chemical classified as a pesticide by EPA. Several animal scientific studies have confirmed that triclosan can support the development of bacteria resistant to modern antibiotics.

4. They Create More Foam

In case you have used natural soaps you have probably noticed that they don’t create foam when you are using them. This is quite natural because natural soaps usually don’t contain SLS – Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, a chemical that leads to lathering. There are many manufacturers that avoid this ingredient because numerous studies have confirmed its toxicity. In lab animals, this ingredient led to side effects like depression, diarrhea, eye damage, breathing difficulties, skin irritation, and fatalities. On the other hand, castile soap has a very intense foaming lather but it doesn’t lead to any health issues. Namely, the potassium hydroxide found in castile soap turns veggie oils into glycerin and spa, so you won’t need much water to witness lathering.

5. Castile Soap is Perfectly Safe for Pets and Babies too

It is crucial to use products that can’t harm infants and pets because they can’t say what’s good or bad for them. Castile soaps are made of completely natural ingredients and don’t contain any chemicals. This means that even if your baby has sensitive skin, it won’t be affected by this soap.

6. This Soap is Eco-friendly

Besides the absence of synthetic colors, artificial fragrances and agents, petrochemicals, chemical detergents, and harmful antibacterial agents, this soap is biodegradable too. Those looking for eco-friendly soap should look no further.

7. Castile Soap is Very Versatile

People use castile soap in many different ways. This is a short list of the most important uses of Castile oil:
  • Face wash for sensitive skin type
  • Foaming, natural hand wash
  • Coconut milk shampoo
  • Healthy body wash
  • Shaving cream for both genders
  • Bubble bath
  • Make-up cleaner and hair cleaner
  • Soap toothpaste
  • Elimination of pesticides from veggies and fruits
  • Do-it-yourself dish soap
  • Natural laundry detergent
  • Natural dishwasher detergent
  • Natural floor cleaner
  • All-round household cleaner
  • Toilet cleaner free of toxins
  • Window wash
  • White oil all-natural pesticide
  • Dog shampoo.
If you want to learn the details about the 18 uses of castile soap, you should follow this link. Via Inner Strength Bodywork