It Can Be Very Poisonous! If You Eat This Vegetable, You Should Never Do This




We all know the story of Popeye and the secret behind his strength and indestructibility.  Spinach is a super healthy and nutritious food and we should all consume it as part of our diet. Besides the benefits of spinach and the proper way to eat it, we will also give you useful advice on what you should never do regarding spinach. Spinach contains high amounts of vitamin A, B, C, E, minerals, manganese, folic acid, and potassium. This vegetable is highly recommended since the high amounts of zeaxanthin and lutein in their content help in the protection of our body against many diseases. What you should always have in mind is that this vegetable should never be re-heated. The reason is because of the nitrates in its content which turn into highly harmful and carcinogenic nitrosamines when subjected to high heat. In case you haven’t heard of this before, remember to never re-heat your spinach. You should always eat it fresh, and if you eat it the following day, don’t heat the spinach but eat it cold. Cold spinach is as delicious as a warm one. To sum up, spinach is a nutritious and healthy vegetable and you can consume it every day, as long as you aren’t re-heating it. Via Opera News