Burn Bay Leaves in the House and See What Would Happen in just 10 Minutes




In case you didn’t know, bay leaves were praised for their medicinal properties since ancient times. Back then, people used this herb to create many different natural remedies that helped them with a myriad of health problems. The Ancient Romans and Greeks used bay leaves as part of their religious ceremonies and believed that this herb is blessed. In addition, the winners of the ancient Olympic Games received a wreath on their heads which included these leaves. Bay leaves are used even today, but in most cases, people use this herb to spice up their meals. Most of them put a few bay leaves in their main dishes. The point is that laurel was a very important part of traditional medicine and we should not forget that we can use it for this purpose today too. However, most of us use this herb as a tasty spice. Now let’s see what does laurel includes and how it can help us. To start with, you should be aware of the fact that the bay leaves have active compounds like cineol and pinene. In addition, laurel comes with certain essential oils that have strong calming properties. It turns out that this incredible herb contains some psychoactive compounds too and you can experience their effects by chewing bay leaves. It is good to point out that the incredible effects of chewing this herb were described in numerous legends, myths, and tales like the one talking about the oracle at Delphi in Greece where priests used this technique to predict the future. On the other hand, the essential oils found in this herb produce calming effects to the mind and body, but only if you burn the leaves. This is how you can use bay leaves to get rid of anxiety and stress – simply put one bay leaf in an ashtray, light it up, and leave it burning for ten minutes. You will soon notice the specific fragrances that will spread through the room and you will feel relaxed and calmed. Bay leaves provide antiseptic, anti-rheumatic, antioxidant, sedative, and diuretic effects. They can also boost the mood and the berries of a bay tree can help people dealing with stomach flu, neurasthenia, and hysteria. Learn how to burn bay leaves properly with the help of the video found below. Via New Sable