Blood Type Diet and Exercises for Healthy Joints




Joints connect our bones, allowing us to move. If your joints are healthy, you'll have a healthy cartilage, firm rubbery coating, making them run smoothly. Our bones can move freely thanks to the empty space around the joints. But, this space can become smaller if the tissues around joints get inflamed. In such case, the bones don’t move freely, but push up against tissues, making the movement painful. Constant inflammation can cause many chronic illnesses, including all health conditions ending in “itis”. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage between joints breaks down, resulting in pain, stiffness, and inflammation. Not having cartilage to ensure smooth joint motion, bones will rub against each other, which is quite painful. Rheumatoid arthritis on the other hand, is an autoimmune disorder happening when the immune system attacks the tissues around joints. This causes inflammation of the flesh around joints, shrinking the empty space around them. Gradually, this can also damage the cushion, or cartilage. Joint pain and swelling can also appear if you’re injured. Although the injury might heal, that area of your body will stay prone to osteoarthritis. To keep your joints healthy, use proper sports equipment and learn the right techniques to reduce your chances of injury. Follow a healthy diet which includes many foods beneficial for your joint health, and avoid harmful dietary lectins as they can trigger inflammation in your body.

Harmful Lectins According to Blood Type

First, let’s explain what lectins are. They are type of proteins found mostly in plant foods, which can cause agglutination of some cell types. They usually react chemically with the surface markers on the red blood cell membrane more known as blood group antigens. Some of them are harmful for one blood group, and helpful or neutral for another. Others don’t cause any reaction in the body, while third are harmful for all blood groups. The Blood Type Diet shown on the image above will help you increase the helpful lectins in your diet, while limiting the harmful ones. Besides proper diet, right exercises based on your blood type can as well help you maintain the health in your joints and mobility, overall vitality, and optimal weight. According to numerous studies, joint swelling can be significantly reduced with the help of aerobic exercise. Strength training supports and protects arthritis joints as it helps build muscle. Moreover, the ability to reduce weight and build lean muscle mass makes physical exercise a great way to lighten the load on your stressed joints.

Exercises According to Blood Type

If you want healthy joints, you need to regularly practice aerobic exercise and weight training. But, here are the exact exercises that will help you achieve that, based on your blood group.

1. Blood Type O

If your blood type is O, you’ll greatly benefit from brisk exercise which target the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. Generally, calming exercises like Tai Chi or Yoga are not very helpful for these people. But, those with chronic diseases and arthritis will benefit from literally any type of regular movement or exercise, including those recommended for other blood groups.

2. Blood Type A

People with this blood type should do light aerobic exercises like walking, and calming exercises like Tai Chi and Yoga.

3. Blood Type B And AB

If your blood type is B or AB, you should balance stress reducing, mentally soothing exercises with moderate aerobic activity. This combination will help you achieve overall fitness and regulate your stress levels. If your condition is severe or you’re not used to exercising, begin slowly, doing as much exercise as you can, and then gradually increase endurance and time as you improve your strength and flexibility. Via Cure Joy