Call the Police Immediately if You Notice Someone with a Black Dot on the Palm




If you wonder why you should call the police in such a case as the title suggests, you won’t hesitate once you find out. Recently, a Black Dot Campaign started on social media like Facebook, with the purpose of recognizing and helping victims of domestic violence. So, a person with a black dot on her/his palm is a victim of domestic violence and seeks help as she/he is in danger. Most victims of domestic violence aren’t able to ask for help, so they use the black dot to show they need help. This might be because the person abusing them is watching their every move. Supposedly, the campaign managed to gather over 6,000 people in one day worldwide and help six women. The people who organized the Black Dot Campaign believe it is a significant step in the efforts to help the victims of domestic violence. One victim decided to share her story with the public: "My husband is very abusive, with both, words and hands. Now that I’m heavily pregnant I’m terrified to even more. He goes everywhere with me now and never leaves me alone. Yesterday, we were at the hospital to do some examinations, and I took advantage of the opportunity when I was separated from him with just a curtain. I took the pen out of the consultant’s pocket and wrote HELP ME in his hand. The Black Dot Campaign gave me both, the courage and the idea of how to ask for help. Thanks to the consultant, and the campaign, I’m now safe away from my husband for a week until my due date. Thank you!" Spread the message to help victims of domestic violence! Via BBC | Jus Sayin