The Best Way to Balance Hormones with Only 5 Herbs




Women of all ages can have a hormonal imbalance, especially those in their 40s and 50s. Symptoms ranging from terrible PMS to infertility are usually caused by an endocrine disorder. Instead of starting a conventional hormone therapy that comes with numerous side effects, here's the best way to balance hormones using nothing but herbs. These five herbs are an excellent way to take control of your imbalanced hormones, thus restore your optimal health. Besides treating your hormonal imbalance, the following common herbs can also prevent hormone disorder.

The Best Way to Balance Hormones Is Using These 5 Herbs

1. Maca Root

Ancient Peruvian people have long used this herb for treating hormonal imbalance, infertility, low libido, and endurance. Maca root belongs to the group of adaptogenic herbs which can adapt to anyone’s body and restore the optimal hormonal balance. In other words, if a person’s body produces too much of a hormone, the herb will reduce its production, thus normalizing the hormone balance in the body. The same thing happens when there’s insufficient production of a hormone. In such circumstances, Maca will increase the hormone production, and the hormones will return to balance. Therefore, you can see Maca as a natural hormone regulator which can not only treat but also prevent a hormonal imbalance. This incredible herb nourishes and stimulates the hypothalamus and pituitary glands of the endocrine system. These so-called “master glands” are controlling the regulation of all other hormone-producing glands. So, by balancing the master glands, you are also restoring the function of all other endocrine glands. Even though Maca provides immense health benefits for women, it is also great for men. It can raise their libido and endurance, hence the name “natural Viagra.” What’s more, it can also help improve the motility, quality, and volume of sperm.

 2. Red Raspberry Leaf

You can make a wonderful tea from the nutrient-rich-red raspberry leaves and use it to treat your uterine problems. This herb contains abundant amounts of vitamin C and many other vitamins and minerals. Besides acting as a natural uterine tonic, red raspberry leaves can also improve male and female fertility, prevent hemorrhage and miscarriage, and help reduce painful menstrual cramps and heavy periods. Moreover, it can relieve nausea related to pregnancy, stimulate the production of milk, and ease pain during and after labor.

3. Vitex (Chaste Tree Berry)

Vitex has long been used in the natural treatment of hormonal imbalance. What’s more, it’s used for treating infertility, endometriosis, menopausal symptoms, and preventing miscarriage in the first trimester. Vitex has also helped initiate a period in those with inconsistent periods. The way these herb works is regulating one of the “master glands” in your body, called the pituitary gland. Since this gland controls the hormone production of other glands in the body, it means Vitex is also affecting the function of all endocrine glands. In other words, controlling the work of the pituitary gland means having control over all other hormone-producing glands. [thrive_link color='blue' link='' target='_blank' size='medium' align='aligncenter'] 3 Hormone-Balancing Beverages Women Need to Drink Every Day[/thrive_link]

4. Milk Thistle

Not only that Milk Thistle is excellent for treating hormonal imbalance, but it’s also useful in the treatment of numerous other health problems. As a matter of fact, this herb is one of the best liver cleansing herbs on the Planet. This is important as the liver plays a crucial role in hormonal balance. You can have a lack of progesterone or an excess of estrogen due to an improper elimination of estrogens through this organ. Your body won’t be able to remove the excess estrogens if you have a congested and stagnant liver. Also, this organ is responsible for processing the hormone-mimicking chemicals, fungus, heavy metals, and other toxins in your body which can cause or worsen your hormonal imbalance.

5. Oat Straw

Besides balancing your hormone-producing glands, oat straw can also soothe your stomach, improve mood, digestion, and blood, calm your central nervous system, strengthen your nerves, balance your hormones, and support the skeletal system thanks to its high levels of bio-available magnesium, calcium, and silica. Furthermore, oat straw can improve your skin, hair, nails, heart health, reduce cholesterol and act as a natural diuretic. You can either take it on its own or combine it with other herbs. Source Composed Nutrition | Vitae